CH 1: An Innocent Snowfall

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Nathan's eyes were weak and weary when he awoke from his bed. He felt tired but he pushed through as he stood on the carpet in his room. Nathan walked to his window to look outside, only to still find snow falling from the sky.

"Of course. Of all natural things to greet me this morning, this snow has to be it. I'd honestly never pick something else rather than you." He muttered sarcastically.

All of a sudden, Nathan's mother came into his room with a plate of small muffins in hand. He jumped in shock as he spun around to face her.  "JESUS CHRIST MOM! Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Yelled Nathan. "Sorry, sweetie. Just wanted to drop these off for you since you didn't come down to eat sooner." His mother said as she handed them to him.

"Oh wait really? What time is it." Nathan asked. He quickly set the muffins down on his nightstand and whipped out his phone to see it was nearly 10:00. "You were playing games past your bedtime weren't you?" His mother asked. "Listen, sweetie. You can't keep doing this. You have to work things for yourself out better rather than just playing Minecraft for the rest of your life. Heck why not start the school work to make up for the hours you've lost because of sleep." Explained his mother.

"Alright, I'll get started in a little bit." Nathan said. "Look, I'm not mad at you, I just don't want you to grow up a mess. But hey, Jacob's coming to pick you up in a couple hours, let me know when you're finished with the work, alright?" His mother asked. Nathan nodded. His mom smiled back at him before walking out of the room.

Once his mom left, Nathan pulled out his phone again, this time to check a message sent by his other good friend, Jonah Holland. The text read:

"Hey man, my mom's grounded me so we can't continue Minecraft for another week, but hey, it should be fine because you still go get to have fun skiing with Jacob. Anyways, I'm currently working on today's work from school, just wanted to quickly say hey to you before they potentially take my phone away as well. I'll see you when you get back"

Nathan just sent another text back saying that he would try his best to have a fun time in the snow before he got his work out and began going through with it. However, all the while he thought back to the day when the snowfall hit.

Three days ago...

January 14, 2014

"You know Nate, you truly should be grateful that yesterday wasn't THAT miserable compared to the week before winter break." His older brother Matthew explained. "I know, but I just don't like Mondays at all! They're miserable and it's just a reminder that there's more to come!" Nathan groaned.

"Well, you of course remember that Jacob invited you on that trip down to that ski resort this weekend." Matthew said. Nathan just sighed, he was already near the Berkwale Middle School and he would soon not only have to split from Matthew, but also brace himself for another stressful and boring Tuesday at school. "Alright, bye Nate, see you later!" Matthew yelled as Nathan walked up the stairs. "It's Nathan! See you later Matt!" Nathan said as he stumbled though the front doors of the school.

As a sixth grader, it was frequent for a boy like Nathan to be a frequent target of bullying from the older kids, and unfortunately, when he went through the front doors, Nathan just happened to be in the presence of a seventh grader who constantly picked on him, Charlie Durant. "Hey there wimp, off to your next nerd class?" He asked. Nathan just simply ignored him. He knew that giving responses was essentially fuel for the bullies who were just there for the fun and the victim's reaction of it. And so despite Charlie's constant harassment, Nathan just kept walking down the school halls until he reached Mr. Henderson's classroom.

There, he sat down in his seat, right in front of his friend Jacob Smith. "Hey Nathan? You hear me? Remember we're going on the ski trip with my family. You're excited, right?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess." Grumbled Nathan. "Come on man, I know it's not outer space like you wanna go because you've always wanted to be an astronaut and what not." Said Jacob.

"And hey." Another friend of theirs, Billy Abelson said as he joined in the conversation. "I could definitely see a moon getaway resort if it were possible, although I'm pretty sure it just be cheesy and all the restaurants, while having great food, would have relatively no atmosphere." He explained. "Very funny, Billy." Said Jacob. But aside from the silly verbal antics of his friends like Jacob, Billy, and others, he was interested on someone else.

Emily Parker, the new, shy, and rather introverted, but friendly young girl that had been transferred due to her having to move after an event that hadn't really come clear to anyone outside her family. He only wished she could tell him about it, maybe she could even then learn to grow and make more friends. But even then, he still had to focus on his day at school as Mr. Henderson was finishing taking attendance. And it was going to be quite a long one at that as well.

Hours later, Nathan was in his history class preparing to start a two person assignment alongside his assigned partner Karina Fleetwood. And while he was normally independent, he was good friends with Karina so it didn't exactly bother him.

However, they didn't even get to start their small project before their history teacher, Mrs. Reeves, had a rather abrupt announcement befall the classroom.

"Change of plans everyone! We'll have to have everyone work at home for the time being!" She announced. "What for?" Asked one of the other students. "I was getting to that Daniel. Anyways, it's mainly due to the weather and we're going to have to give everyone the rest of the assignments for the week." Mrs. Reeves explained.

As the teacher began handing out the week's assignments to her class, Nathan could only grumble on what this whole weather issue was about in the first place. But when he walked out of his teacher's classroom and could hear what everyone else was saying, he soon understood what was going on, and it wasn't pretty to him.

"Everyone, it's snowing!"

"And it's coming down really fast too!"

"Gosh I can't wait when it's deep enough!"

"You know it's looking real pretty out there."

Nathan couldn't really agree with any of the other students commenting on the apparent snowfall. He didn't like snow at all.

Ultimately, he just hated most of the things about snow which mainly included how sticky and cold it could be made worse by how miserable it made him feel in certain conditions. Granted, he did kinda like skiing which was something he was going to have to go through with in a couple days. But just thinking the mere thought of having to endure the cold in worse case scenario was more than enough to give the young lad the chills.

Whilst despite still having the tiny feeling that this snow warning wasn't true, he already knew that wasn't the case. When he exited the doors to the middle school, he saw a big snowfall coming down on top of the school and the rest of the surrounding area.

And as Nathan waited for his dad to come get him from school early, he sat down and just thought to himself amidst the sea of the many other kids in his vicinity.

Soon enough, another friend of his, Chris Bryant, sat down beside him. "Hey come on man, it's just an innocent snowfall, what's the harm?" He asked. "I don't know, there's just some things about snow that I don't like." Nathan said.

"Hey, you like skiing, don't you?" Chris asked.

"Well, I've don't it before and it's really not that bad, but it's more like when you get out of work for the day but you want to do something to wind down before you have to go back into work." Nathan explained. "Well, I admit that makes sense." Chris said.

Just then, Chris' mom's car pulled up with the windshield covered in snow. "Alright man, have fun on your trip!" Chris said as he jumped into the car.

Nathan just said nothing and instead just focused on looking out for his dad to take him home early from the snow that had plagued the small town of Berkwale.

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