CH 7: Old Memories and New Threats

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"Nathan, Nathan wake up."

Jonah couldn't help but be frustrated with Nathan. He had overslept and his snoring had come close to keeping Jonah up all night had it not been the fact that they were starting to get used to falling into sleep like trances in this apocalypses. But that wasn't all on his mind.

Thankfully, Nathan started to slowly wake up while Jonah spoke to him. "Oh hey Jonah, good to see you, wait, where's Tom?" he asked.

"I don't know, he's probably out scavenging for extra supplies," said Jonah. "Well shouldn't he be back by now or something if he left some time ago?" asked Nathan. "Listen, hopefully, we'll find him, also didn't we agree on leaving to our town in a few hours?" asked Jonah.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know mom." Said Nathan.

And as the two boys packed up their stuff, they noticed that the snowfall had stopped again, but had left behind a large block of snow in the front door. This had forced them to think of an alternative, digging their way out with what they had.


"Dude, be careful when you open that door." Said Jonah.

"I understand mom. I know what I'm doing." Said Nathan.

Slowly but surely, Nathan creaked open the door to the gas station, only to be met with snow nearly pouring inside the building. Luckily, they had gotten out of the way just in time.

"God, that's a lot of snow." Said Jonah.

"Hey, shouldn't be what we can't handle." Said Nathan tossed a snow shovel to his friend. And on, the boys set to work.

After nearly half an hour, they were almost done digging, and with their jackets and supplies, they prepared to set off into the wilderness. "You ready dude?" Asked Jonah. "Not really, but let's go." Said Nathan.

Moments later, Nathan had gone through the door of their gas station hideout and were about to leave the area altogether. But while Jonah was getting out from the door, Nathan saw something. It looked rather small, but it still seemed it could reach up to a grown man's knees. It covered in the same faded black substance as Stephanie and the many other monsters, but it also seemed to be covered in some kind of purple fur. But that was only what Nathan could see from a distance.

When Jonah showed up, the thing had come closer and had gotten a better look. It was more like some kind of purple spiders growling at them. The small creature rushed at the two boys, but Nathan hit it square with his snow shovel, sending the creature flying into a pile of snow.

"Hey, nice one dude!" Said Jonah. "Yeah!" Said Nathan, and the two boys hit up a high-five as they laughed.

Suddenly, they heard a roar and looked up, now realizing they had made a big mistake.

Chris had shown back up, evolved in her gray spider form. Soon, the purple spider scurried back and ran behind Chris' legs. And it was now obvious, that purple spider was the offspring of the monster Chris had become.

Nathan and Jonah quickly ran to hide, but the gray monster didn't even flinch, but she did laugh and warn the boys before leaving.

"I'll let you go this time since we're not hungry, and also because you'll be sorry later on."

Thankfully, the creature walked away, carrying its injured child up off the ground while doing so. Before long, Nathan and Jonah figured it was now safe, but now they were left to worry about what was in store for them now that they had angered the thing by hurting its offspring. Neither wanted to find out, so they began to set off on their journey.

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