CH 12: The Search (Part 1)

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It had been a little over a week since Nathan's group was rescued by the military. And while life was struggling to get back to normal, everyone sometimes seemed to forget that life outside the base was practically as if a deadly war zone and hell had a baby.

But as for Nathan and his friends themselves, they had been training, as even though normally you had to be at least 17 to enroll, the military at the time needed as many soldiers as they could get. And everyone in Nathan's group was doing rather well, with them getting good at aiming and shooting guns as well as occasional obstacle courses.

Nathan didn't personally know anyone who was in the military, but he guessed it would be hard, and it mostly was. But he and the others were getting good. And the only thing concerning them was if they were to go on any missions sometime soon.

After all, the military wouldn't want to risk anyone after 3 weeks, let alone any 12 year olds, right?

Well that wouldn't be the case for very long.


One morning, a groggy Nathan overheard something outside his room, which turned out to be Sally talking to the commander.

"lieutenant, are you sure you want to let any of the children we rescued be risked?" Asked the commander. "No, but I know them better than you do, and I've heard what they accomplished, which by the way is no small potatoes." Explained Sally. "Well, ok fine just I'll need to notify the general about this and you tell them kids, and still, we won't get them too involved in this next mission." Said the commander. "Alright, I'm fine with it, they're just more experienced and have more potential than you think. After all, they killed one of these things and escaped a cult ever before we found them." Said Sally. "Whatever you say, lieutenant." Said the commander.

Just then, Sally knocked and walked into the room, where everyone was starting to wake up, but now jumped out of bed in response to someone in the military coming in. "Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" They all said. "You don't need to say that, just address me as ma'am, also, I have two things to say, one is that breakfast for soldiers is ready, and I'll address the other thing later." She said.

Nathan and the others then walked out of their quarters and headed down to the mess hall where food was served to the soldiers. Soon, they got their ration of pork, eggs, and sausage and sat down, but Billy arrived late, and looked a little tense. "Did you try and get some sweets again?" Asked Jonah. "Ok, fine yes I did. But apparently, we're still new recruits according to the guy that serves the stuff in the first place." Complained Billy.

Suddenly, as Billy continued his small rambling, Emily and Karina noticed as Sally was coming up to them. And almsot faster than one could eat a Big Mac, everyone straightened themselves up as Sally arrived. "So uh, what was it you wanted to tell us about?" Asked Jonah. "Well, how to put this lightly...... Actually, to just get you the gist of it, we wanted to ask you if you wanted to try and join a small group of us on a mission." Said Sally. Everyone was intrigued, with others even wanting to back out based on their body language.

However, Nathan was interested. "Go on." "To put it more simply, it's a search of your hometown, although I suppose Emily came from somewhere else, right?" Asked Sally. "Yeah, I'm from Utah, mom and I went far to get away from dad." Said Emily. "Anyways, I suppose none of you want to join." Said Sally. Everyone shook their heads in response, everyone except Nathan.

"I think I'm ready to step up and be a man." He said, shocking the others and even a few other soldiers. "Oh, well I wasn't expecting that. But are you sure? It's going to be dangerous and some of us may not come back alive." Said Sally. "I think most of us at least are experienced enough not to die, but when are we leaving?" Asked Nathan. "Not until tomorrow when our machines and other satellites predict that the snowstorm stops, but we're gonna have to put a review under you on shooting and fleeing anything just in case." Explained Sally.

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