CH 11: Rescued

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But as if to make matters worse, the two other spiders, one with red fur, and the other with light blue fur, had crawled and latched onto the sides of the bus, and had broken some windows with their tendrils.

And soon, everyone was getting picked off one by one, with some being formidable enough to cut off the tendrils, but they just kept growling back. But soon, one of the tendrils from the purple spider seemed to be reaching for Emily, but Nathan pushed her out of the way, only for the same tendril to now be coming right for him.

It swiftly grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up and brought him closer to the purple spider.

"Mother wants you alive." Said the purple spider.

Nathan then saw Tom rushing for the tendril trying to break him free, but he was then suddenly stabbed by a second tendril though his side.

"NOOOOO!" Yelled Nathan. But the second tendril then wrapped around his legs, stopping him from possibly kicking the tendrils off.

"Don't worry, it'll be soon, and you'll be carrying a great honor after this."

Nathan just shut his eyes in terror, but moments later, he and the other survivors heard distant gunshots, and what seemed to sound like multiple faint helicopter blades.

Regardless, it scared off the other two spiders as bullets fired in their direction. The purple spider dropped Nathan, but spoke as it left.

"You've won this round, but your streak won't last forever."

Shortly afterwards, the purple spider bolted out of there after its siblings.

However, now that the creatures were gone, everyone focused on the four oncoming helicopters. Nathan soon let out a sight of relief as he and the others realized they were military helicopters that had come to rescue them. And before long, the helicopters landed on the snowy ground with many soldiers wearing warm inter clothes stepping out and quickly surrounding the battered and damaged bus.

But as Nathan, his friends, and the remaining survivors were evacuated from the vehicle and towards the helicopters, the boy overheard a conversation between one of the lieutenants and who seemed to be the commander.

"We'll need to get everyone remaining out of here, but god what were those things?" Asked the lieutenant. "Oh don't worry Sally, they'll all be fine, we just need to get them onto the helicopters and I want you and Darrel to get a small batch onto Martin's helicopter." Said the commander. "Sir, Yes, Sir!" Said the lieutenant. "Excellent. Now hop to it." Said the commander.

Just then, the same lieutenant walked over to Nathan and a small group of the survivors. "Alright everyone follow me, we're gonna get you outta here safely, and help anyone who needs it." She said. And so, Nathan's group, an injured Tom, two other survivors, and then Nathan himself were all boarded onto a helicopter, which soon took off along with all the other ones when everyone was safely boarded.

Everyone looked out at the weather in rather awe and a bit of fear, and the puppies even cuddled up with Emily. But the lieutenant was concerned. "Um, ma'am? Are you sure your dogs are alright with you? Have they suffered anything at all? I mean, if so we may have to separate you in worse case scenario." She said. But as soon as she finished her sentence, the puppies looked up and growled. "Oh, ok, alright, take it easy, we just don't want trouble from those were trying to save." Said the lieutenant. "Oh no, it's ok, it's just a long story with me being among the only person they trust left." Said Emily.

Nathan took this into account, and didn't tell the lieutenant about how the puppies had become monsters at one point. But it was something else he was thinking back to, his previous run in with the military a few hours after everything went to hell. He had been attacked by the thing, separated, and then was left for dead with a few others all while his friend was hunted down and killed by that same thing.

"Hey, kid? Are you ok?"

Nathan looked up to see the lieutenant looking  at him rather concerned as if he had zoned out. "Hey, listen, it's gonna be fine, I know you and everyone else here's been through a lot, but when we get to the base, we'll all be safe and sound." She explained as she stood back up. "No. No one is safe. Last time I went with the military, things went south, and there's nothing stopping some kind of monstrous birds to come along and attack us." Rambled Nathan. "Hey! You don't know that. Besides, at least you'll be provided things like food, shelter, warmth, and safety, and maybe some framing to defend yourselves better. Plus we have a lot of defense and firepower at our disposal. Trust me, trust us, were gonna survive." Explained the lieutenant. And soon, she walked away to the front of the helicopter as the doors shut, therefore keeping the cold away.

Nathan wanted to believe her, but he secretly still doubted whether or not she was right about everyone being safe at where they were even going.


2 Hours Later......


That night, the survivors touched down on helipads that had been sprinkled all around the interior of the military base. And everyone was led into a small building where they were given showers, food, and shots to make sure everyone was alright without infections.

Nathan's group were then all subjected to one room where they'd be staying at the military base. And luckily, it was set up with bunk beds, allowing everyone to safely chill out.

"So, uh, any idea how long this will go on for?" Asked Jonah. "Oh? Probably a couple years, and hopefully, we'll all be alive by then." Said Karina. "Yeah, but in that time, we could train to be soldiers! I bet we'd be naturals." Said Billy. "Well, I admit I have experience with guns, I guess it's time to put it back into use. I'm not perfect, but it's better than nothing." Explained Nathan. "Well, I figure I'm better off as a medic or scientist here." Said Emily.

"Hey, you saved Jonah and I a few days ago, and like Billy says, we'll all be naturals." Said Nathan. "Hey, I guess you're right, but I think we should get to bed." Said Emily. And soon, everyone was asleep except Nathan.

As he looked up on the ceiling, he could only wonder if they truly were safe. This could potentially be a nice place to stay and train to fight back, but there were too many questions going on inside his mind that he wasn't sure what to think. So therefore, Nathan went and fell asleep alongside the others and hoped for the start of a new day tomorrow.

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