CH 10: Worshippers

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The three creatures heard Emily calling to them.

"Crap, Emily what have you done?" Asked Nathan.

However, instead of rushing up the stairs towards the kids, they moved slower and more gentle than they were expecting, albeit they still moved rather fast. But it still wasn't long before they reached the top and were moving in on the kids.

Everyone got behind Emily as she raised her hand out to them.

"It's ok, I still love you, you're safe."

The creatures then knelt down on all fours and let Emily rub and pet them.

"What the? How are you doing that?" Asked Jonah. "Not sure, but they may recognize and love her still." Said Billy.

Suddenly, the mutated dogs began to be covered in the same black substance, prompting a surprised Emily to back away in shock. But it wasn't long before they had been completely enveloped, surprising everyone.

However, the black masses had begun to change to a smaller shape before the black substance began to fade into the air, leaving the three same puppies, all now with grey and black fur and cleared of their previous mutations.

Emily and the others were hesitant, but that didn't last long as a sudden crash from downstairs alerted everyone.

"What was that?" Asked Billy. "I'm not sure, but whatever it is, can't be good." Said Nathan. "Oh, of course our lucky streak breaks here, not like we even had one anyways, anything more you want to throw at us? Anything?" Said Jonah as he looked up and shouted.

"Be quiet! It sounds like a window's broken." Said Emily. And soon, the 5 kids began to arm themselves and search for the threat downstairs.

Nathan and Billy were in the kitchen searching for signs of intruders, yet there seemed to be nothing, all except for a broken window in the back revealing the snow falling outside. "God, that can't be good." Said Nathan. Suddenly, Nathan turned and saw a strange man with a black mask twisted into a crooked smile. And he had Billy unconscious and down on the floor.

Nathan got into a stance with his knife and prepared to strike, but he would have managed to do so safely if not for the other man in the mask that had ambushed him front behind. The young boy tried stabbing him in the face, but he had been all twisted around.

The man then threw a towel over his face, which eventually caused Nathan to succumb to blacking out once again.


"Sir! The guardian is here, right?"

"Yes, let me take you to him, and soon we will make sure the ritual will eventually go all according to plan."

The two men then walked down to a prison cell to see several prisoners of various ages were chained up to prevent escape. But one of the men pointed to one in particular, a young boy, who just so happened to be Nathan.

"Oh really? You expect me to believe he is the guardian? Please Sir! You have to be joking!" Laughed the other man. The gray man just sneered at him. "He is more dangerous than you realize, and more valuable than you will ever be to me! If you dare question me again, I swear, I will feed you to her without hesitation!" He yelled.

"Wha-.....What-...........Oh god my head. What happened." Asked a weary Nathan.

"Ah, he's awake. Evening, Guardian." Said the man.

Nathan was confused as he came to his senses, why was he this "Guardian"? But he figured he'd find his answers if he just asked the man with the same mask as the guys who had knocked him and Billy unconscious.

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