CH 6: Ruin to a Journey's End and an Old Friend

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Nathan, Tom, and Stephanie luckily had made it outside to find the snowstorm had passed and the snow was finally starting to melt. But they had been running long, almost too long as they nearly tripped and were almost out of breath when they finally stopped running. It then took them at least a full entire minute to recover.

"My god. I think I lost the damn map, but I believe it was this direction for a couple more miles." Said Nathan. But as he snd Tom started walking, they didn't notice Stephanie wincing in pain as she looked down at her palm and saw blood dripping from it, but also, something else. She couldn't really describe it other than some kind of dark faded substance.

"Stephanie, keep up!" Yelled Tom. And Stephanie quickly ran to catch up with Nathan and Tom. She didn't say anything to them as she thought it would be fine and there was nothing to worry about. But what she didn't know is that she was practically already doomed.

A few hours later, Nathan realized that they were almost near Berkwale and just had to get across a lake, but it was looking more like a big river than anything else.

However, like Nathan was the last several times, he was extremely cautious and nervous of the river, as he had no knowledge of what could be swimming around in there, so he was tempted to build a raft, or even try to decide whether or not they should walk around the river.

"Hey, Stephanie. Are you alright?" Asked Nathan as he turned to look at the young girl. She said nothing, and initially, Nathan didn't see anything strange, but when he and Tom looked back after a lack of response and saw Stephanie, they gasped in horror.

Her hands were covered in a black faded substance, which also seemed to have covered the rest of her body in some kind of lightning bolt-based pattern. But the worst was her head, and she had streaks of the dark faded substance all over, and her eye was gone, replaced by a faded back hole.

"Oh my god!? What the hell happened to you!?" Asked Nathan in shock. "I-.....I.......I would be-...fine." Panted Stephanie. She was clearly struggling to speak from all she was going through. Nathan was about to reply when he saw the faded black substance covering more of Stephanie's body with the girl's skin becoming cold and pale. Soon, her smile was infected and it twisted into a grotesque grin.

It was then that Nathan knew he had no choice and had to run after Tom who had already taken off. He soon spotted him starting to get across the river, and without much thinking, he dove into the river to try and quickly swim across. But he very quickly regretted his decision, as when he dove in, the water itself was extraordinarily cold and freezing likely due to the passed snowstorm.

It was almost nearly enough to make Nathan scream, but he pressed on as he quickly swam across. But when he was a little over a third of the way across the river, he heard a Bloody Mary like shriek from nearby as Nathan realized that Stephanie was now fully infected. He turned forward and began swimming faster than before as the river's current and freezing pains held back against him.

But soon, when Nathan had made it halfway across, he looked back saw the pale legs of Stephanie as she had coven onto the river after him. So he began swimming with the current to gain speed above the infected girl. It started working, and Nathan was making progress by the second. But he looked back again and this time he saw Stephanie's face.

She was pale and cold with the faded black substance shown with streaks and infected eyes with a crooked smile. But there was something else that Nathan saw that nearly made him freeze in fear. It was a big fin sticking out of the water, and it looked to be heading right for him.

Quickly, Nathan swam as fast as he could to escape the two looming threats. And luckily, it wasn't long before he made it to the edge of the river and swiftly leaped out, trying to get over to Tom. With barely any time to even stop and recover from the freezing water, he would've expected to not look back. However, a swift chomp had gotten Nathan's curiosity and he soon looked back to see that the infected Stephanie was now caught in the jaws or the mutated fish, or rather, an entire school of them. However, Stephanie was fighting back well and surely be free within a couple minutes at least.

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