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Hello and welcome!!

Name: Deimos

Nickname: Dei (pronounced:Day)

Age: Physically: 6 Actually: 6,000 Mentally: 6

Dei looks physically 6 years old although he is over 6,000 years old. He has the mental age of a curious but scared 6 year old though. He's like Luke. Physically a certain age although he is way older than that.

Physical Appearance:

Eye color: His left eye is Black while his right eye is Grey

He has slightly pointy ears and sharp canines

Pale skin (ghostly white almost)

Hair: his hair is straight-ish but has slight curls at the ends of his hair, his hair could be called wavy, he also has wavy bangs

Hair color: the tips of his hair are a grey that is almost the same color as his right eye, the middle of his hair is white, but the top of his head is black, almost like when someone dies their hair and their natural hair color is coming back

Dei is super small for a physically 6 year old child. He's around 3ft to 3ft 2in

Demon Form:

Dei keeps his hair color and eye color but his whites of his eyes change color. The white of his left eye turns grey while the white of his right eye turns black.

Dei also keeps his elf ears and height but he gains bat like wings (that are too big for him so he has to grow into them), small horns, and a leathery tail with a sharp triangle at the end

Dei also has a black diamond shape in the middle of his forehead like his older brother Lucifer.

Likes: Peanuts (he found out cause of Yuu), sweets, art, drawing, PLANTS!!, his brothers, Yuu, Diavolo and Barbatos, anime (because of Levi lol), hugs, cuddles, head pats, big clothes, stars, small animals (as long as they don't scare him), reading (because of Satan), naps (you guessed it, because of Belphie), rain, food or helping make it (cause of Beel), and blankets

Dislikes: Rude people, people scaring him on purpose, heights, loud noises, bullies, absolutely HATES work (he thinks Lucifer works too much), some of not most spicy things, ANYTHING bitter, waking up, stealing (cause of Mammon lol), the hot, most tall people, and people whispering

Deimos's Creation:

Deimos was created about 6,000 years ago due to a battle that some demons were in against the demon brothers. Yes the demon brothers are the most powerful but something had happened to where the brothers were going to be under attack by a group of mad demons who wanted them dead. Deimos was created/birthed from the brothers fear of losing their family. Especially since they lost Lilith and didn't want to loose anyone else. Deimos was then created and born from their fear and was dubbed the Avatar of Fear and Terror. He was named and was actually worshipped by humans at one point. His name is Greek and means dread and terror. Deimos is a highly dangerous little demon seeing as his power from his avatar has killing thousands.

Deimos's Powers:

Deimos is the Avatar of Fear and Terror. So that means his powers have to do something along with that. Dei has the power to control one's fear. It could be a good and bad thing. Like making someone's fear grow small so that person can overcome their fear. He could get rid of peoples fears altogether too. The bad thing about his power is that he can also kill people with his power. He can drive peoples fear so high up that they could have a heart attack and die or he could cause fear in someone about something for that person to then create mass chaos and deaths. Let's just say that a number of wars or battles were influenced by Deimos and him putting fear into others.
Deimos doesn't do this on purpose of course. He's still a child in demon years. He's still trying to learn how to control his powers although his powers drive people away. His powers also have people feel immense pressure of fear in a close radius, especially if Dei is in a bad mood or is scared himself.

Along with being the Avatar of Fear, he is also afraid of most things himself. He was born out of the brothers fear of losing one another that he's afraid of anything that could harm himself or the people he calls his family. He doesn't want to loose any of the people he has considered family and so he lives in constant fear of everything. The brothers as well as Lord Diavolo and Barbatos are helping him get over most of his fears one at a time so that he can have an easier time with living a demon life. Seeing as he is still a child, this is both easy and hard for them. It's easy because he can learn from a young age that not everything is worth being afraid of and can easily get over his fear of simple things. It's hard because he is the Avatar of Fear and so he's basically afraid of everything. It's also hard because whenever he has to deal with his fear he immediately feels threatened by things and uses his powers to help him feel safe again. For example, if out of the house and is approached by a stranger who he deems a threat (most of the time) then he will use his powers to try and scare that stranger away. If the stranger tries to keep coming toward Dei then he will activate his powers to control one's fear levels, he will then rise it up and if the stranger doesn't leave (most are stuck or frozen in fear) then he will raise them so high that those fear levels will initiate a heart attack. Every persons fear levels are different so while some people's fear levels could only be given a mild heart attack, others can full on drop dead because of the fear and despair they felt.
Hence the reason as to why he is a very powerful and dangerous child demon.

Deimos is afraid of losing his family above all of his other fears. He is also afraid of other people especially strangers so it'll be hard for him to warm up to Yuu but he will eventually.

Also Deimos suffers from having panic attacks so we will definitely see cute big demon brother little demon brother moments.

Deimos's bedroom:

Deimos loves plants and being in a comfy room. His room is to help him calm down and not have to be afraid of anything so his room has a bunch of things he loves in it.

There would be more plants in his room. Like vines curling around the bed frame of his bed. There would also be fairy lights hanging around and some nice soothing candles hanging around the roof of the room. Dei also has put up a bunch of Polaroid or drawings he has of him and his family or of drawings they gave him. Dei also has quite a few stuffed animals from all of his brothers and some from the demon king himself and his butler.

 Dei also has quite a few stuffed animals from all of his brothers and some from the demon king himself and his butler

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Authors Note:

Welcome to my first book! Yes this is going to be my first book so if any of you guys spot something wrong with the plot or notice I spelt something wrong please let me know!!

Also letting you guys know. The POV's may change from Yuu to Deimos so we can get different perspective of things.

It's probably gonna take me awhile to do chapter updates. Please don't hate me! But I'm not really good at doing updates on time so just letting you know. I may end up doing a few chapters a week to maybe once a week. It really depends. I may end up getting out of my phase for this.

Anywho have fun reading and please let me know how you like this story so far! :)

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