The New Dorm

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*House Of Lamentation*

As Mammon guides Yuu to the House of Lamentation he was complaining to Yuu about his rotten luck and how Yuu should just stay at Purgatory Hall with the others because he doesn't want to scare his sibling.

'I wonder which sibling he is talking about. Obviously not one I've met.' Yuu was pondering over which brother would be scared of him even though he isn't scary whatsoever.

'Wait aren't each of them an Avatar of a deadly sin? From what I recall there should only be 7 deadly sins but there are 8 brothers? Hmm...' Yuu was a little confused but decided to tune Mammon back in.

"Why should I have to look after some human?" Mammon then scoffs and looks up at the house that was starting to come into view. "It's insulting, that's what it is!"

Yuu decided to tune him out again for the 15th time in the past hour or two.

Yuu looked around him at all of the dead trees and rottened wood. He looks to the sky and notices dark clouds covering the dark sky.

When Yuu had firsted left RAD he realized how dark it was outside. He had asked why it was night time down here in the devildom when it was around time for classes back in the human realm. Mammon had laughed and called Yuu a 'idiot human kid' and told Yuu that it was always dark down in the Devildom. How they never had ANY sunlight and that they could only see the sun if they were to travel to either the human realm or the celestial realm but demons weren't allowed in the celestial realm so they were only really able to see the sun if they went to the human realm. Yuu was quite astonished by what he had said.

Now as Yuu is walking down the old stone path did he realize how creepy everything around him is. How the small breezes rustle the bushes he's walking next to sounds like something is crawling towards them. And how the big crows and ravens have been glaring or just simply staring at him as he walks by them. Their beady eyes almost look as if they were scanning and analyzing him before he even got to the House. Especially this one raven that's been FOLLOWING them since they first left RAD. Yuu could feel those beady red eyes that seemed to glow. It was as if it was just waiting for Yuu to make the wrong move around Mammon and almost seemed to be trying to protect him but was waiting for a reason to pounce and claw at Yuu.

Yuu just wanted to get away from that bird before it decided to kill him. For some reason Yuu actually has the feeling that the raven wasn't just any ordinary raven and felt like that raven could actually kill him so he's just stayed quiet and walked next to and a little behind Mammon.

Yuu suddenly noticed that Mammon was talking to him so he tuned him back in and pretended that he knew what Mammon was talking about.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter! Just don't go thinking that I'm scared of Lucifer or anything! Because I'm not!" Mammon tried to act as if he was over the conversation and that he wasn't afraid of going against Lucifer but Yuu clearly knew better.

Yuu decided to be straightforward about this whole thing, "Honestly, I really don't care." Yuu held back a sigh.

Mammon seemed pissed for some reason, Yuu didn't mean to be rude but he was really trying to let Mammon know that he didn't care so Mammon didn't have to go and rant about 'No being afraid of Lucifer'.

"WHAT?! Oh, now you're REALLY in for it...!" Mammon stopped before he could do anything rash, yet. "...Although, come to think of it, I'm surprised you've got the guts to talk to me like that. You're not scared?" Mammon questioned. Yuu shook his head no.

"I mean, I'm a demon. You do get that right?" Mammon questions further and Yuu shook his head again. "...Hmph. You're one strange human, I'll give ya that."

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