Wait... WHAT THE FU-?!

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*At NRC*

As the golden circle slowly disappeared into nothing and takes Yuu away from the trio, it was completely silent. That was until...

"What the FU-!?"


*unintelligible girly high pitched screeching*

"Oh my it seems as though I have startled you. I do apologize." A man in a nice looking suit with a black vest that has a glittery blue feather like detail around the upper chest. The older male looked to be in his either early 30s or late 20s *cough* although he's an old man *cough*. The male was wearing a beautiful coat with a purple to blue ombre effect. The coat also had feathers around the collar and the coat's end was created to look like bird's wings.

"Oh shi- I mean goodmorning Headmaster!" Deuce quickly bows when hastily greeting his headmaster as well as correcting his sentence.

Ace quickly regains his composure and so does Grim.

"Headmaster you really need to stop showing up out of nowhere you'll end up giving us a heart attack." Ace says this with an exasperated voice.

"I do apologize but I just so happened to notice the golden light that's slowly disappearing. Did something happen? Mr. Grim, where's Yuu?" Headmaster Crowley asked the three.

That seemed to jolt some memories in each of the boys' minds and then they all started talking at once.

The headmaster could only understand a few words as each of the boys started getting louder and more concerned over how their friend disappeared. Headmaster Crowley could only understand a few words such as, 'Yuu disappeared!', 'There was a magic circle and then Yuu disappeared!', and 'There was a gold thingy that took my henchman away!'.

The headmaster made the connections that Yuu was taken away using someone's magic. It must've been powerful magic too because it is really hard for someone to teleport let alone have someone else be teleported without them being there.

Headmaster Crowley quickly led the trio to his office to ask more questions about what happened without any prying ears.

*A few minutes later*

"Ok from what I understand is that you guys were walking in the courtyard, Ace and Grim started arguing, Deuce looked away from Yuu, you heard a noise, turned back to Yuu, a golden circle appeared behind him, it soon enveloped him when he turned to look behind him, and then he disappeared with the golden circle slowly disappearing as well. Did I get that all right?" The boys nodded to what the headmaster said.

"Yes, you are correct Headmaster." Deuce verbally agreed.

Headmaster Crowley soon went quiet in thought. After some thought he decided to ask the dark mirror if he knew of Yuu's whereabouts.

With telling the boys what was gonna happen, they all stood up and started to walk towards the Mirror Chamber.

*At the Mirror Chamber*

The boys and the headmaster walked towards the dark mirror.

As they walked up the platform for the mirror the Dark Mirror appeared with a show of green fire. The eyeless masked face gazed at the headmaster as if he already knew what the man was gonna ask.

"Oh Dark Mirror, where has our little Yuu gone?" the Headmaster asked the mirror with authority in his voice.

"The magicless human is not in this world." the slave in the mirror told the group. The group looked at it in shock. 'How can Yuu be in a different world? Was he taken back home?'

The boys didn't know how to react to this news. Their best friend was taken away from them? Why? How?

The headmaster didn't know how to react to this news either. Afterall, his favorite student is now missing and traveled worlds. Their world hasn't advanced enough yet to be able to travel through realities and worlds. How could he let this happen? What can he do to get him back? Is Yuu safe?!

Ace then spoke up, "Hey mirror, can you show us Yuu? Or at least tell us if he went back to his world and if he's safe?" Ace was getting worried although he tried not to show it on his face, only his friends could tell that he was getting worried for his friend.

The dark mirror spoke again, slightly setting the group's emotions at ease. "He has been summoned to his world."

What he said next however, brought fear and worry to course through everyone's veins. "Although, he has been put in an even more dangerous environment then being in the company of an Overblot."

The group all thought similarly on the matter, 'What kind of environment is Yuu in? What was his life like before he came here?'

The dark mirror then showed them a small clip of Yuu. He was in a room that looked like a court with a dark academia look. It was a beautiful room. And there standing in the middle was a tired yet wary and alert Yuu. He seemed to have been in a conversation with someone who held authority but seemed kind.

The group was confused. This didn't look that dangerous. But then again, why are they in a courtroom? Are they getting in trouble?

It seemed that Yuu was instead, getting introduced to a few people sitting around in the courtroom rather than Yuu getting in trouble. This brought relief to everyone.

The clip of the tired boy soon vanished in green flames and the slave soon appeared once again.

The Headmaster soon realized that the Dark Mirror only told them that Yuu was sent to his world but not if he was home, he also remembered Yuu telling him about how there wasn't any magic where he came from but magic brought him back to his world.

"Dark Mirror, where exactly is Yuu? And who is that man with the red coat?" he questioned.

"Yuu has been summoned back to his world but currently he is in the Devildom, and that male is the soon to be crowned King of all demons."

Everyone was shocked.


Authors Note:

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I did have fun going off script and writing my own chapter although it was a little hard seeing as I wanted to get everyone's characters right. I think I did a good job though. I did make Crowley a bit better. We at least see what he's thinking on the matter of Yuu's disappearance.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night and continue having a wonderful day/night!

Art isn't mine again. If y'all know who's it is let me know so I can credit them!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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