Meeting Mammon The Caretaker

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During that time of explaining, Yuu was able to take a seat and talk to Diavolo and Lucifer a bit more on the "safety" he was gonna be put in with Mammon. Lucifer just chuckles and explains that Yuu's already got the call down and that the 'idiot' had finally arrived.

A demon wearing a wrinkled uniform like the others came bursting through the door and charged straight towards Yuu.
This demon had white hair, tan skin, and his clothes were all wrinkled and mostly unbuttoned. He was wearing a yellow tie that was loose against his collar and his jacket wasn't even buttoned up.

While the supposed 'Mammon' was charging up to Yuu, he started screaming to get his attention. Not like him bursting through the door and screaming like a fucking idiot would gain aNyOnE's AtTeNtIoN.

"HEY! Just who do you think you are, human? You've got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon!" Yuu rolls his eyes at this demon already gaining a headache from him even though he just met him like 2 seconds ago. "Listen up, because I'm only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then you'll hand over all of your money now! And anything else of value, too!"
Mammon was yelling this as he had finally stood in front of Yuu. His arms stretched out with grabby hands as if he was waiting for Yuu to give him what he wants.

'I feel as if him and Grim would have a 'Love-Hate' relationship. They're both greedy and dumbasses... they'd also end up starting WW3.' Yuu thought while just observing the newcomer.

As Yuu was thinking this though, Mammon had turned to continue threatening him not noticing that Yuu tuned him out and that his two younger brothers noticed and started to snicker quietly. He also didn't notice Lucifer walking towards him from behind until he felt a hand grab his shoulder tightly and a looming voice speak up and threaten him.

"Mammon, shut up or I'll punch you!" Lucifer said this with a hint of malice in his voice. Lucifer then swung his fist at Mammon's jaw and BAM! This caught Yuu's attention.

Mamon screamed like a little girl, "GAH, OWW! Hey, what's the big idea?! I thought you were actually given me a chance to shut up before punching me!" Mammon was cradling his cheek while glaring at Lucifer a bit.

Satan spoke up this time, "Yuu, Mammon here is the Avatar of Greed," 'wow wouldn't have guessed' "He governs and oversees all forms of it." Satan leaned in a bit closer ato Yuu, "Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money."

'Wow, I know a LOT of people who would try using Mammon for this' Yuu thought, thinking back to all his greedy friends.

Satan continued, "But what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They're left without a Grimm to their name."

'Well shit lol that sucks. Wait a minute... Did he just say Grim?"

Asmo adds on saying he's a masochist and that it was important to know. Lucifer surprisingly agrees (that's very sus bro) and decides to give Mammon, his masochist of a brother, a job.

"Y'all stop telling lies! I ain't asked for that punch, and I AIN'T a masochist!" Mammon was starting to get red in the cheeks Yuu noticed.

Mammon then goes to complain about having to watch over Yuu and tries to get other people to do it before Lucifer scares the living (? Is he though?") out of him and threaten him again.

'Wait a damn minute now!!! Did they just say Beel would end up EATING ME??!!?!' Yuu was a little more scared of the buff demon.

Mammon turns to Yuu, "All right, human, listen up. As much as I don't want to look after you, I've got no choice. It's a huge pain in the ass, and I'm too important for this kind of thing, but Lucifer told me to do it, so I will."

'Pussy.' Yuu snickers.

"But in return, you better make sure you don't cause me any trouble, got it?!" Mammon looked bored and slightly angry at this whole ordeal.

Yuu didn't really give a flying fuck anymore so he just agreed. He wasn't the one to start trouble anyway. He was always dragged into it. Plus he doesn't want to die downhere. He'd rather die in a badass situation not by accidently eating the wrong mushroom and getting highly sick from it *cough* Jade *cough*.

Mammon then goes on to rant how "as long as you do as I say, we won't have any problems". Mammon even continued to explain that he's "the boss".

'Pfft, arrogant much? *sigh* are they ALL like this?' Yuu was already tired of this guy's shit and just wanted to sleep tbh.

Lucifer then went on to talk about how human souls are like shiny gems to demons and that one of Yuu's tasks is to polish his up and to acquire the power to resist demons. He even went on to explain what demons will try to to do steal his soul. Either way, he's magicless and he needs power so he's gonna be protected by the brothers.

Lucifer decided to teach Yuu how to work on the other tasks he needs to do on his phone. It was surprisingly a dancing app? Questionable but ok. Turns out it was like one of those gacha games or something like that (idk lmfao) and was pretty easy to understand.

'I wonder if Idia and Ortho would like this game. After all, you can collect cards and get SSR's and SSR+ which are really great. Plus the SSR+'s are moving animation cards, which are super cool!!' Yuu was slightly happy with how easy his tasks would be. Even his 'To Do's' seemed easy enough.

All he really has to worry about is that damn essay at the end of this year and all the school work he is missing from NRC.

Authors Note:

Ok lmfao I do hope you guys liked this chapter.

Anywaaaaayyy... I swear I'm not evil laughing. But I did finally finish the summary's to two of the most traumatic events Deimos will go through with Yuu being in the Devildom. Yeaaahhh so don't hate me for those chapters lol I already hate myself for it.

Ok ok but thank you guys! Hope y'all liked this chapter and I'll see you next chapter!
Have a good night/evening/or morning!

Again the art isn't mine it's someone else's I just don't know who the artist is.

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