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Renée Marie Moons is a clumsy, chaotic, but kind introverted eighteen year old. In the summer her family moved to England. Now they live next to her mother's best friend and also her best friend - Colin Maxwell Peterson. Renée starts university togheter with her best friend Colin.

Sophia Appleton-Botticelli is a friendly, patient nineteen year old lesbian. In her second year at university, she notices Renée by her mismatched socks. She soon thinks the girl with the different socks is an interesting person.

They become friends, and probably more.


English is not my native language. You can correct a mistake, but please be kind!


If you are transphobic, homophobic or against anything from the LGBTQIA+ community, please leave without commenting.


If you need a friend to talk, feel free to comment or send me a message :). If you have questions, don't hesistate to ask them!


There will be new chapters every Sunday!


I drew and designed the cover myself :D.


Enjoy! :D

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