Renée: Chapter 11: Here's to a Lousy Chirstmas, part 2

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I almost run to Sophia's house. People have been mean to me, but never have I felt so humiliated. Even my mother couldn't compete with that. I always felt angry with my mother, but tonight I'm ashamed. I ring the doorbell and patiently wait for the door to open. 'Renée! Where's Sophia?' Mrs. Appleton-Botticelli asks. I start crying. 'Oh, darling, what happened?' Annie asks and guides me inside the house.

'Her friends...' I mutter. 'Did Riley say something mean? I always knew she was an entitled spoiled brat that doesn't think when she speaks,' Annie says and hugs me. 'She was making fun of my accent,' I whisper. 'I told Sophia to not be friends with that girl, she didn't listen,' Annie says to the ceiling.

'Where's Sophia now, Renée?' Annie kindly asks. 'Still at the pub, I told her to stay with her friends,' I say and wipe my tears, now that I've calmed down. 'I'm stupid,' I say. 'Why? I don't think you are. I think you are smarter than Sophia,' Annie says confused. 'I should've stayed there. I shouldn't care about what her friends say about me. Now they know I care.' 'Oh, bella, you had every right to step away from that situation,' Annie says and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. 'I'm not beautiful, Mrs. Appleton-Botticelli,' I say. 'Yes, you are, bella.'

The front door flies open. 'Where is she?!' Sophia asks in panic. 'She's in the living room, amore,' Annie says. 'Oh!' Sophia sighs relieved and runs to me. She hugs me so tight, that I almost can't breathe. 'After you left, I spoke my mind to Riley. I won't ever see her again! That bitch!' 'Sophia, nice words in this house!' Annie says. 'Oh, leave it, mom,' Sophia says.

'You had every right to leave, Ren. Jessica got angry too, she was screaming when I went back to the pub.' 'Jessica was nice,' I say with a smile. Sophia hugs me again. 'I'm sorry she was so mean to you. And I think your accent is cute,' Sophia whispers the last sentence. 'It's okay,' I say and let my girlfriend go. 'I'll make some tea, you can go change is some comfortable clothes,' Annie says.

Sophia and I go upstairs. 'Sophia! Can I borrow Renée for a second?' Mr. Appleton asks as we enter Sophia's room. 'Yes,' I say and walk to his study. 'I have to write an email to my colleague in France. But my French is not that great. Would you mind correcting my errors?' 'Not at all,' I say and read his email and correct his mistakes. 'Don't be mad if it's not perfect. I'm better at speaking French, than writing it.' 'It will be better than what I had. Thank you very much!' Jack smiles. 'You're welcome,' I smile back and leave his study to go in Sophia's room.

'Don't come in, I'm changing!' Sophia shouts as I walk into her room. 'Oh, sorry!' I say and cover my eyes before I turn around. 'I should've gone to the bathroom,' Sophia sighs. 'I should've knocked.' 'You can turn around now.' I open my eyes and turn around. Sophia nervously smiles at me with red cheeks.

'Did you see anything?' she asks. 'No,' I say. 'You're lying.' 'Yes, I am. I saw a blur and then darkness.' 'Very funny Moons.' 'Moons.' 'What?' Sophia asks confused. 'You said Moons like you pronounce moon. But it's pronounced Moons, like the "O" in "Oh that's why".' 'Sorry, Moons,' Sophia smiles. 'Thank you.'

The doorbell rings. 'I'm on it!' Annie yells. 'Renée, there's a young man and woman here that look like you! And a boy with red hair!' I look at Sophia. 'She's not here!' Sophia shouts. 'Too late, they're coming upstairs.' 'They always have to overcrowd a house,' I sigh and roll my eyes.

'Sister,' Mathieu says in English, so Sophia can understand the conversation. 'We're very sorry,' Juliette says. 'We should've told you,' James speaks up. 'Yes, yes, you are sorry. I get it, you can leave now,' I hush them to the stairs.

'Ren...' Juliette sighs. 'Papa is filing for a divorce,' Mathieu says. 'Wat?' I ask confused. 'Papa has had enough from this crap mama has pulled. He's divorcing her,' Juliette says. 'He's going back to Belgium,' I whisper in disbelieve. 'He is,' James says. Everything else that they say or what happens is a blur.


Wordcount: 739

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