Renée - Chapter 12: Goooooooooood Morning Vietnam!

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I open my eyes and frown when I recognise the ceiling of my room. The television is making noise and I recognise the opening from Good Morning Vietnam. 'Oh! You are awake!' Colin says and pauses the film. I sit up and look at him. I am so angry with him, I could punch him in the face. 'Get out,' I hiss.

'Ren, I'm sorry. I can explain.' 'Get. Out.' 'Ren, please. We have to ta-' 'GET! OUT! OF! MY! ROOM!' I scream at him. I'm surprised by my own voice. He stands up shocked. I can see the tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again. Instead he leaves my room as Juliette opens the door.

'Hey,' she silently says. 'Hey.' It sounds like a whisper compared to my screaming. Juliette takes a seat next to me on my bed and takes the remote to turn of the TV. 'What happened?' I ask after the silence has filled the room. 'We told you the news of mom and dad. You just collapsed,' Juliette says and gently takes my hand. It's weird seeing her care about me.

'I had an emotional couple of days.' 'I know,' Jules says and looks me in the eye. 'Do you want to talk about it?' she asks. I frown. 'What has gotten into you? Talking, caring?' 'Renée, you collapsed in front of me. I thought you were dying!' 'You are not getting rid of me that easily,' I chuckle. Juliette smiles softly.

'Mathieu is convincing dad to stay in England, for us, for you,' Juliette says. 'He doesn't have to stay here if he doesn't want to.' 'But what will you do then? You two have been two peas in a pod since the day you were born. You can't live without each other. Unless you want to move back to Belgium?'

I think for a while. I wouldn't mind moving back. I wouldn't have to see my mother and Colin. I could just pick up my life again where I left it. I could be with my family. I do miss my aunt and grandfather. But then it hits me. 'Sophia!' I blurt out surprised. 'She's fine. Mathieu updated her about you,' Juliette says and fixes my hair a little.

'She seems like a good friend?' she asks and looks me in the eye, searching for some information. I feel my cheeks turn red and smile softly. 'Actually, she is my girlfriend.' Juliette starts smiling and pulls me – to my surprise – in to a hug. 'Thank you for finally telling me. I am happy for you,' she whispers.

'You can't just divorce me over this!' our mother shouts in the hallway. Juliette and I share a look. 'Yes. Yes, I can Sarah! You can't force our daughter to marry someone she does not love! I will not allow you to decide the lives of our children! I will not let you decide my life!' 'Well, it worked for Juliette!' 'I did not! They are constantly fighting, there is no love between them. I cannot believe you can't see that!'

'That's the most English I ever heard him speak,' I whisper surprised. 'She forced me into marrying Patrick?!' Juliette lets out shocked by the information. 'You didn't notice?' She looks at me with her eyes wide open, still processing. 'No!' she exclaims.

There's a knock on the still open door. We look at our father. 'Renée, hoe voel je je?' my father asks. 'Het gaat wel. What was that all about?' 'Yes, I would like to know that too,' Juliette says and crosses her arms. Papa takes a seat next to Juliette and looks at us with a pained expression.

'I have let her manipulate your lives for too long. I mad at myself I didn't see it earlier. I can't let her do that anymore. I'm done with it,' he says. We sit in silence, no one brave enough to asks the question. 'I am not moving back to Belgium.' 'You are not?' I am so relieved he stays. 'No, I can't leave my children here alone.'

'Can I live with you then?' I asks. My dad chuckles. 'Of course you can,' he says and hugs me. Juliette joins the hug. 'I am glad the two of you are finally getting along,' he whispers. There's a crack in his voice which makes us hug him back tighter. 'Hey!' Mathieu says surprised as he enters my room and joins the hug.

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