Victor - Chapter 15: Breathe

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Renée kisses my cheek before saying goodbye. She has to go back to university. We live closer now, but I think it's good for her to be on campus. She can meet new people every day. She has met Sophia already, I'm sure she can make more friends or get to know more people.

As the door closes behind my youngest daughter, I go to the kitchen where my other two spawns are talking. To be honest, I 'm surprised Juliette decided to stay with me. She and her mother were always one team. Mathieu asks her about her break-up with Patrick. Juliette sighs as I make myself a cup of coffee.

'I'm glad we're not together anymore. I feel relieved.' Sarah always had her stupid language rules in our home. We were only allowed to speak English or French. I wasn't even allowed to speak my native language, but I did. I talk Flemish to Renée and Mathieu often. Juliette doesn't really speak it, it's a shame. But I blame Sarah.

As their conversations ends, my coffee is ready. 'Papa?' Juliette asks. I nod before taking a sip. 'Mathieu and I want to pay for our part of the rent.' I look at them quietly. 'We now it's not cheap and we work,' Mathieu says as I stay quiet. 'Thank you.' They both smile satisfied. 'Speaking of work, I have to go,' Juliette says and looks at her watch.

She takes her purse and kisses my cheek. A little smile forms on her lips. 'Ik houd van je, papa ,' she says and then leaves for work. Surprised I watch my daughter leave. 'Ze is precies een heel ander persoon,' Mathieu says and smiles at me. 'Inderdaad ,' I agree. Mathieu puts his and Jules's cup in the sink and leaves for work.

I finish my coffee and take a walk around the house. Is much smaller, but so much more cozy. I like cozy. I take a deep breath and breathe out. We are – I am – ready for this. It was time for a new chapter in our lives – my life – and I have waited too long to do so.

The translations in order:

'I love you, dad.'

'She's like a whole other person.'


Wordcount: 365

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