Renée - Chapter 3: I can't find the Queen!

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My brother's car stops in front of us. 'Are you sure your parents are okay with us staying the whole weekend?' Elise asks. 'My father is,' I say and take a seat in the back. 'And we could use the help decorating,' Colin says. 'Who is he?' Elise asks. 'Renée's best friend, Colin,' Sophia explains. 'Okay, cool,' Elise says with a nod to Colin sitting in the front. My brother starts driving.

'Dankjewel om ons te komen halen, Mathieu,' I say. 'Geen probleem, liefste zus,' Mathieu says with a smile. 'It is so weird,' Elise says next to me. 'Now you know how it is when you are talking Norwegian to your mother on the phone,' Sophia says. 'But still, so weird,' Elise repeats. 'We'll talk English from now on,' Mathieu says. He doesn't like it when people call our native language weird. But he's kind enough to not make a scene out of it.

'So how old are you?' Elise asks. '24,' my brother answers. 'So, you are an adult and move with your parents to a different country, why?' Elise asks. 'Because our mother made us. And I could've stayed too if I wanted,' I say. 'Is you mother that bad?' Elise asks in surprise. 'Yes,' Mathieu, Colin and I say as one. 'Oh,' Elise sighs.

Half an hour later, we arrive at our houses. We take our bags and walk to the big wooden front door of my house. 'I'll come in a second,' Mathieu says and goes to Colin's house. 'Where is he going?' Elise asks. 'My brother,' Colin says when I open the door. 'Are they friends too?' Sophia asks. 'That's one way to name it,' I say and shout that we are home.

A few seconds later my mother is standing in front of us. 'What are you doing here?' she asks with her fake British accent. 'Didn't papa tell you?' I ask. My father rushes out of the study. 'I forgot. Sarah, les enfants font une fête ce week-end avec leurs amis,' my father says. 'Et qu'est-ce qu'on fait?' 'Rendre visite à tes parents?' 'Okay, you can have your party,' my mother says to me and Colin. 'But clean it up after,' she says and walks to my dad to give him a kiss.

We walk upstairs to my bedroom – which is way too big for one person. 'Your mother doesn't seem as bad as you said,' Sophia says carefully. I look at her but don't answer. 'Colin and I will search for two matrasses, don't break anything,' I say and walk out of my room. 'It is annoying that she is always nice when my father or you are around,' I say. 'I know,' Colin says.

After fifteen minutes Colin and I are each carrying a matrass. 'Need some help?' our brothers come walking up the stairs. 'No, I'm fine,' Colin says and walks into my room. 'For those five meters, I will be fine too,' I say and carry the second matrass in my room. I lay it on the ground and look at my brother.

'Can we help you?' I ask. 'I wanted to meet your friends,' James – Colin's brother – says. 'That's Sophia and that's Elise,' I say, pointing at the person with the name I say. 'Nice to meet you! I'm James, that asshole's brother,' James says and gives the girls a hand after he pointed at Colin. 'See, your brother agrees,' I say and nudge Colin in his arm.

'Do you want some snacks and drinks? We will help you decorate in a few hours after you are settled,' Mathieu asks. 'If you're insisting, then yes, please,' Elise says with a smile. 'Great!' My brother starts to leave. James is standing there awkwardly in the doorway.

'Jim! I can't carry drinks and snacks for six people!' my brother shouts from downstairs. 'Ugh, he's the older one in this relationship, but he acts like a baby with no arms,' James mutters and leaves. 'They are dating,' Colins says when he sees the confused expression on Elise and Sophia's face. 'Oh, how cute,' Elise says and jumps on a matrass. 'I pick this one.'

'So, explain... Why are we decorating with Halloween stuff when it's another two weeks until Halloween?' Mathieu asks. 'Because everyone will throw these parties in two weeks?' I mostly ask than say. 'Ah, good point,' James says.

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