I think I love Jenna

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Jenna's P.O.V
Let's go ladies we need to keep our team strong I don't want to hear anyone talking right now
Hey ladies a annoyance says I scoff and roll my eyes when he comes up. hey boo how's the little softball team doing because from what it looks like they aren't doing so well. Brandon says well Brandon actually we just finished our warm up and are going to hit if you would like you could join us but I worry that it would make you feel insecure about being better than us which your not so I say that you go over to your team of morons and get them to actually  win a game for once or is that to much for me to ask. whatever Jenna just wait we should have a scrimmage in a week to see who is the better team and the loser has to do whatever the other says for a week deal Brandon says with that annoying smirk creeping on his face fine lets do it and by the way you can back out if you want so that you don't lose your dignity more than you already have and I suggest leaving now because your team is playing dodgeball right now with the dimple balls so bye! Alright ladies we need to get into full gear for this game and crush the dignity and spirits of those boys.
The next day at school
JENNA JENNA JENNA Maddie shouts on the other side of the hallway. what Maddie what's wrong? Is it true that you and Brandon Maxton made a bet to see who was the better team and the loser has to do what the other says for a week? Yeah so have you seen Brandon play he's better than his whole team combined yeah so I say with a cocky tone and im better than him and my team is going to kick their sorry  butts on Friday hey do you want to come watch ? Yeah but I think the entire school is already planning on watching so yeah . wait how do they know about it I may or may not have just told the entire school on Twitter! YOU DID WHAT! Not realizing how loud I had just been. Hey Maddie I have to go to class but please don't tell anyone else I don't want people to really make a big deal about. oh ok well bye Jenna.

The Jerk And HerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon