I think I love Jenna part two

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Hey guys it's a double update today sick at home:(

Brandon's P.O.V.
Alright what am I going to do about Jenna I know she's going to Beat our team can't even think straight let alone win game against them and I don't want to be controlled by Jenna for a week who knows what she is capable of. guys lets hustle up we need to get our act together by Friday to win against the softball team so Jordan can you take the group over to the cage I need to talk to Jenna about the game. mark come with me to their field. Hey mark can you keep a secret? Yeah sure what is it? I think i have a crush on Jenna Martin. YOU WHAT ! Dude keep it down I don't want people knowing and besides its not like anything will ever happen we keep our distances from each other at all cost. but still you can't like her she absolutely despises you and you to her at least that's what everyone thinks. and it's going to stay that way now let's talk about this later we are almost to the fence. Hey Jenna I need to talk to you. Ugh what are you doing here my team actually wants to win. she says with annoyance in her tone. well I wanted to know what type of pitching are we doing. well actually I want to do it that I pitch full time and you catch full time so that it's just them basically playing but we still have to try and play for each other's team ok? She asks yeah sure and one more thing I need to know your pitching numbers for when I give you what pitch to throw. I say with a smirk. well I was thinking that I could throw how I wanted and not have to listen to you tell me how to pitch yeah that sounds much better. she says with a smirk creeping on her face that smirk just makes me want to tell her how I feel right here and now. yeah sure whatever come on mark lets go. so going back to earlier what are you going to do how are you going to ask her out he says I'm not really sure I just have to find a way to get close to her.
Later that evening
Hi mom hi dad I'm home I shout from the front door. Brandon come to the dining room we have some guest over
I walk into the dining room to see her Jenna why is she here I say with a scoff. BRANDON don't be rude to the person staying with us for the next two months and show her to the guest room would you. My mother says. Wait did you just say that she was staying with us for TWO MONTHS i exclaim yes I did now go and help with her bags would you she retorts back. I hear Jenna snickering to the side as soon we reach the top of the stairs I say you ready to get your sorry butt kicked friday? I think you mean yours because my team is obviously going to win and if you even think about telling anyone I'm staying here you'll wish you never went to Lawrence High School because your life will be miserable there if you say a word about it got it. yes mam i mockingly say with a salute. shut up she says then walking off. how I wish she was mine.
Wait Jenna hey I need to talk to you. about ? Why don't you and I like each other. As if you don't know already she says. Actually no I don't. Fine I'll tell you. So when we were younger we were great friends and then we went to high school our first year we had one class with each other and that was it but we said we would stay friends no matter what I had tried to keep the promise with you but you were so caught up in your new friends that you always would ignore me so then I came up to you one day asking if you wanted to hang out with me and go to the cage but then you completely forgot about me and then you to me not to hang around you anymore so I created a new me and made new friends and were I am now and from that day I vowed to my self never be friends with you again not wanting to be forgotten again. wow I never knew that I made you get hurt like that do you think we could start over from the beginning.
A/N hey guys so the picture up top is Brandon I will post one of Jenna in the next update please comment on what you think Jenna should do should she start over with him and forgive him or just let things stay the way they are vote comment and Share

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