Bet week day 1

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Brandon's P.O.V.
M=mark b=Brandon's (text conversations)
M who are you going with to homecoming
B I was going to ask Jenna because homecoming is Friday so she has to say yes and I wanted to see how it would go
M dude she may think it's a joke you have to ask her in front of other people in a fun exciting kind of way
B ok I have the perfect way to ask her
M what how
B you'll have to wait till tomorrow like everyone else
M ok fine see you tomorrow
B bye
( end of conversation)

Tomorrow at school
Hey Jenna good job at the game on Friday. thanks Brandon but please don't make me do anything to ruin my popularity promise? She ask
Yeah sure but remember what I ask you to do you have to say yes to ok so if I ask you something you don't want to do you have to do it deal. yeah ok she says with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Jenna's P.O.V.
Where is Maddie she's never here when I need to tell her something oh wait there she is hey maddie wait up. yes Jenna you look really nervous? I'm freaking out I'm afraid Brandon is going to humiliate me in front of the whole school I already lost to his baseball team I can't be humiliated even more than that I wouldn't be able to show my face in this school again. Jenna calm down from what I've heard from his friends he got something different planned rather than to humiliate you. She says with a smirk. What does he want me to do then am I going to have to clean his locker carry his books do his homework? Not even close Jenna you may actually like it but hey I have to go to class see you later. She says with a big smirk on her face. Why does everyone have that smirk on their face whenever I ask them about what Brandon is going to ask me to do. Oh there he is hey Brandon I have a question for you? Yeah sure what is it your not going to make me embarrass my self in front of the school right? anything that would ruin my popularity please say you are not? No I'm not but you'll just have to wait and see what I have planned for this week oh and what are you doing this Friday I have something planned? He asked with that same smirk as everyone else. I am going to the homecoming dance but why. Just wondering because I need you not to go to it ok? He asked. Yeah sure but I have to go. Why wouldn't he want me to go to the homecoming dance thats probably when he is going to give me the worst thing possible.

Brandon P.O.V.
Hey mark wait up. Yeah Brandon what do you want. When should I ask Jenna to the dance in thinking in the hallway right after school ends because you guys have lockers near each other so go up to her then and do it ok thanks man I'll see you at practice. Bye lover boy. He sung. Shut up mark. Got it lover boy.

End of the day last block
Hey give this to Jenna would you please. Yeah sure the person next to me said. Hey Jenna Brandon told me to give this to you. Ok thanks. Jenna what's that kala asked me Brandon gave it to me I'm not sure what it says though. well then read it. Kala said back ok ok it says
"Jenna meet outside our locker section after class I have to ask you something important for the bet" signed Brandon
Well answer back to him kala whispers
Ok ok
"Brandon why can't you ask me now is it that important to the bat and won't fit on this sheet of paper"
You know who
Hey pass this back to Brandon please. Yeah sure hey Brandon Jena told me to give this back to you and if you need to talk to her just switch seats with me because I don't want to be the messenger again. Ok sure switch seats with me then. Fine. He says
Pssst Jenna. What Brandon it's to important to ask you on paper and it won't fit in this paper so that's why I have to tell you after class at the lockers ok. Yeah sure.
Free time Jenna's P.O.V.
(A/n each day they have 39 minute free time before they leave for the bus)

Kala I don't get why he needs me to wait around my locker for him to tell me what I have to do I think he is just trying to embarrass me in front of people because everyone try's to crowd around our locker section. Hey I got to go to my locker I see you tomorrow ok bye. Bye kala what is he going to ask me to do today? Can you guys get out of my way I need to get to my locker so move. Ok thanks, where is Brandon.

Brandon P.O.V.
Brandon are you sure she won't think it's a joke. Mark asks me. I'm pretty sure about it hey can u give her this note because it's supposed to be like something where you give her clues to where I am so at each place I'll tell you to give her the clue and in the end I will ask when she finds me ok where are you going to be in the end. in the gymnasium. Ok thanks I'll go give this to her. Thanks mark

Jenna's P.O.V.
MARK where is Brandon he told me to meet him here. Oh he told me to give you this note and for me to come with you. Mark says with another smirk why does everyone have that smirk on their face the note says
"Clue 1
There's a place where you ace it's a place you love and call but it's not your real home "
Mark what is that supposed to mean I don't understand this. He means what do you love to do and are really good at it. Oh you mean the softball field. Yeah so then let's go to it. He says to me. Ok then. Why is Brandon sending me on a scavenger hunt to find him is it that important for him to ask me to send me all around the school? Yes yes it is Jenna so let's go but I suggest getting you backpack first. Ok thanks now come on
At the softball field
Why is everyone following us oh because they what to know what Brandon is making you do this is one of the biggest things in the school right now everyone is so anxious to see what happens this week. Hey I found another paper tapped to the fence it says
So you found the first spot and now turn around and go back down to the place we race at"
Wait when he says where we race at is he talking about when ever we run on the track to see who's faster? Yeah I think so let's go find out
At the track
Mark why are there even more people now because everyone's trying to figure out what he is going to ask you. Hey I found the clue for here
So you found your last and final clue now it's up to you marks come to me and I can't wait to see you in your favorite classroom hope to see you soon in the really big room
From Brandon "

Where is my favorite classroom and it's a really big room could it be the gym? I am pretty sure it's the gym because it's the biggest room in the building

At the gymnasium
Now most of the school is following me to the gym to find out what he wants to ask me what does everyone know that I don't?
Brandon's P.O.V.
Hey guys I need you to hold this poster and stuff until I give you the signal I want to surprise her make it look like we are being casual play basketball or something to make it look like we aren't going to ask her something ok now go mark just left her she's been figuring them out quickly I will hide the things in the storage room ok so let's okay knockout guys to make it believable ok. SHES COMING pant pant SHES ON HER WAY HERE pant pant SHES pant pant IS JOGGING THIS TIME NOT WALKING marks comes in yelling and out of breath. She already figured it out yeah I'm not sure how but she's coming so act natural. Ok thanks mark. Brandon finally I've been on a scavenger hunt for a while how long do we have left of school? Umm about 15 minutes really I only took that long wow I thought we had like 5 minutes oh well what did you want to ask me? She ask oh yeah um so umm... you want to ask me to do what. I um want you to um guys help me. Oh yeah here Brandon I uh ta da here your go will you umm go with umm me to the homecoming dance because it is true that every prince needs their Cinderella and I want you to be my Cinderella. So will you Jenna? And I want you to answer me without the rules of the bet but honestly
Jenna P.O.V.
He just asked me to homecoming with him is this for real or a joke. might as well say yes because he seems to be really nervous and has actually tried putting an effort Towards being nice to me
Yes I will
I completely understand I was a jerk to you but wait you will. He asked with a confused look on his face but slowly creeping into a smile. Yes you've been trying to make a friendship with me and I deserve to give you a second chance so yes I will
I may do more than two updates today because I have nothing better to do so yeah have fun reading schools almost over
Thanks love you

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