Finding out about the Cullens

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"What's up?" I said. "So lily please don't freak out I wanted to tell you for a while but I feel like the time is finally right" she said

"It's ok Rosalie you can tell me" I said not wanting her to be upset. "So... me and my family we are well we're vampires" she said and I started laughing "yeah right and I'm a wolf pffff" I said and I couldn't stop laughing

" I'm serious lily" that stoped my laughing "wait for real" "yeah but we don't drink humans blood only animals I've never even tried it" she said thinking I was scared. "Wow that's so hot" I said smiling "here I think you can't get anymore bad ass and you just do.

"Really? Your not scared?" "Of course not. You can't scare me away" she smiled and then looked at my lips. Then she leaned in. Our lips touched. Her lips were so soft and they tasted like honey. Are lips were moving with each other. Everything was perfect until she vamp speeded away. "What's wrong" I said concerned. "I don't want to hurt you" "it's ok we don't have to kiss plus I want to find out more about the vampire thing.

"Alright" she said while smiling then she sat down. "Well for one we can't sleep" she said. "Wait really? That explains the no bed" I said while laughing. "Well tell me more" " so you've probably heard about how vampires can go really fast so yeah we can go really fast but we are also super strong hmm how about I just show you instead of talking about it" and then she grabbed me and put me on her back.

"Rose what are you-" hold on tight" and she jumped out of the window onto a tree and down onto the ground. Then she ran into the woods super fast. When we were deep in the woods she stoped and I got of her back. "Um I I" I couldn't even speak I was so dizzy and then I puked. "Oh my goodness lily!!" "It's ok I'm good" I said not even believing myself. "We will get you some medicine when we get to your house" "alright" I said "so what do you want to show me?" "This" she took the roots of a tree and ripped it from the ground then she grabbed me threw me back on her back and we went into the sun she then put me down and I saw one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life on her skin it looks like millions of diamonds

"Woah" I touched her. "So beautiful" I said. "This is the skin of a killer lily" "no I don't believe that" I said I know she's a good person. "Let's go to your house lily" she said.

I just smiled for my response and I was back on her back. When we made it back to my house I was still super dizzy when we went in she grab me some medicine and I felt better we went up to my room and I started getting ready for bed when it came time for me to go to the bathroom I was worried she would leave.

"Don't leave" I said serious. "Of course not" she said with a smirk. I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth extra well and brushed my hair and changed. Then I went back to the room. "Your still here" I said happy. "Of course. You asked me to stay. Then I got into the bed and she got in with me. I fell asleep with her arms around me.

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