Meeting up with James

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The 4 of us arrive at a hotel. We go inside and it's all a little blurry for me because I fell asleep and someone carried me up.

I woke up around noon and I went out of the room to find Bella awake "what time did you wake up" I ask concerned because she needs sleep. "To early" Alice said not happy with how Bella was treating herself.

"Has he called?" Bella asks. "No" Alice says. "Are you guys hungry?" Alice asks. "Yes" I say at the same time Bella says no. "She's hungry too" I say rolling my eyes. Alice leaves to go get us some food.

" so have you heard any updates?" I ask jasper. "No we haven't" he says. We wait a little and then Alice comes back with the food. We both scarf it down because we haven't ate in hours.

Then Alice gets a vision and starts drawing what she sees. It's our old ballet studio. "Why did you draw our old ballet studio?" I ask. "This is your old studio? Do you have a reason to go there?" "No we haven't gone since we were little" I say. Then Alice gets a call and says it's our dad I offered to answer. "Lily Bella?" He says concerned and scared.

"Yeah dad it's lily we are ok I promise" "hello lily I have you father here. Why don't you go to a room where no one can hear you." James said

I went to The furthest room from everyone. "I want you to go to your old ballet studio and then you can have you father back. Oh and don't tell anyone" he said and then he hung up.

"What did dad want and what did you say?" Bella asks me. " he was just checking in on us and I told him that we are fine.

"Edward is calling me" Alice said at the same time jasper said Rosalie was calling him. We both grab for the phones " hey beautiful" her perfect voice says. "Hey" I get out. "I miss you are you ok" I ask. "Yes I'm doing great you guys are going to go to an air port so we can meet up ok?" "Ok Rose" I say.

"I love you lily" she says "what?" "I said I love you"

"I-I love you too" I say smiling "bye love see you soon" she says and then hangs up.

"Alright let's go" Alice says and we go to the car To go to the air port.

When we get to the air port I think about the ballet studio "hey I have to go to the bath room. Jasper can you take me?" I ask. "Sure Lily" he says unsure why I'm asking him.

We used to play this trick on dad all the time when we went to the bathroom here there 2 exits in the bathroom.

I asked Jasper because he's a boy so he can't go in the girls bathroom with me but if I would've asked Bella or Alice they would've been able to go in with me and would've seen me leave.

I go in and then quickly start running. Then I grab a taxi and tell him to go fast to the studio. When he gets there I pay him and leave. Then I run inside.

"Lily?bella?" My dad says. "Dad? Dad? Where are you?" He keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. Then I open this closet and I see a video recording of my dad running up to us again he lost us in the ballet studio video is very old.

"Shit" I say out loud. "Well well well" james says as he's holding a camera. "What do we have here?" "I would hurt me if I were you rose will kill you." I say not even convincing myself. "I don't think she will" he says and then he grabs my face.

Then I spray him with pepper spray and start running. He picks me up and throws me I slide into a part of the wall and my head cracks and some glass stabs me.

Then Rosalie comes in and slams him  into the wall. She hurts him enough where he's on the floor and then she grabs me and jumps so we can leave through the roof but then he pulls her leg down and I go on to the floor then I feel my leg snapped as I hit the floor.

She fights him some more and he runs over to me once he has her hurt and he bites my hand Rose pulls him off me just as the rest of the cullens come in. "Rose go to lily she needs you" I hear Carlisle say. He goes to me too.

"I'm burning" I scream "My hand is on fire! Put out the fire!" I scream.  "He bit her" Rosalie cry's out. "Rosalie you have to suck the venom out." Carlisle says. "I don't think I can I've never tried human blood before Carlisle" she says. "You have to Rosalie" he says.

"It's going to be ok love I'm going to make it feel better" then the pain gets 10 times worse. And I know I'm screaming loud. All of the students everything stops

The next time I wake up I'm in a hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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