Chapter 14

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December, 2021

"I can't believe this, she doesn't even like Christmas." Jennie blurts out, slumping into the couch cushion next to Lisa as she tosses her phone on the coffee table.

"Jennie this is a good thing. She never celebrates Christmas because of your dad, she always works." Lisa defends her, as Jennie was sure she would.

Though she does make a good point. "I know it's a good thing but she's doing that weird thing she does when she's trying to get involved in my love life." Jennie knows it's true, she knows her mother better than anyone, so she knows when she's trying too hard to pry into Jennie's personal life.

"What?" Lisa asks, her tone changing as she raises and eyebrow at Jennie.

"Yeah, she suffocates me; she won't even care about Christmas she'll just ask me about dates. Or maybe she's trying to set me up. She's only coming for that reason." Jennie leans back into the couch cushion, crossing her arms along her chest.

"You think she's coming because she's trying to set you up?" Lisa asks with an expression that's suddenly guarded, watching Jennie as the brunette pull herself from the cushion to sit up more straight.

"Lisa, you know how she is about this stuff." She reasons but this only seems to increase the guarded look on Lisa's face.

"Sure, but you really think she'd use Christmas as a dating bargaining chip." She's trying to convince Jennie that she's not right, but this is Ji-ah and Jennie knows Ji-ah so of course she's right. In fact, that thought of Ji-ah being here and involving herself in Jennie's love life makes the brunette uncomfortable but it seems to be making Lisa even more uncomfortable.

"She said she has something important to talk to me about but she wants to do it in person. Like way to give a girl anxiety." Jennie releases a heavy huff.

Lisa's biting her bottom lip. "She didn't give you a hint as to what that was?"

"No... are you okay?" Jennie finally asks, bending forward slightly to try and assess the look on Lisa's face more thoroughly.

"Yeah, why?" Her voice is quiet and small and she doesn't meet Jennie's eye-line.

"You're shaking." Jennie grips Lisa's hand that sure enough is trembling. Jennie has no idea why, she wants to ask, she knows it's something, Lisa's face has paled greatly in the last two minutes.

"I'm okay." Oh no... okay. That stupid word.

"Lisa," Jennie scoots across the couch and climbs into the blonde's lap to wrap herself around her just right and Lisa is holding her waist and pulling her close subconsciously. "What is it?" Jennie whispers into the space between them and Lisa trembles from something different. Something that's always between them but they both still ignore.

"It's nothing." She mumbles quietly, doe eyes examining Jennie's mouth.

"What did I say? Is it me complaining about my mom? I shouldn't do that." The brunette runs her fingers through the side of Lisa's soft blonde hair and watches her relax slightly, a soft gentle smile though it's almost not one crosses her plump lips. Walnut eyes are still on her mouth.

"No, it's not that. It's not you. I'm okay really." Lisa squeezes her arms around her as if to provide more proof of her mood.

"You look terrified." Jennie brushes her fingertips over a furrowed brow.

"I am a little." Lisa admits honestly, letting out a soft breath that Jennie can feel against her mouth, suddenly realizing how close they are.

"Of what?" Lisa looks up; meets her eye-line and she seems like she's trying to tell her something, something she already knows the answer too but she can't figure it out, can't read her mind.

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