Chapter X

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"You really went to that abandoned factory?" asked Lucas, with a shocked expression on his face.

Will you leave that topic already? I'm trying to forget that ghostly experience. " I said

We are in my room playing chess. Well, I am playing; he's just trying to figure out which pieces move in which directions. I looked at my phone for the fourth time in 10 minutes. It showed no messages.

"Your move," said Lucas.

He moved his knight to E4 to threaten my rook, which I didn't move. Of course I didn't have to. I blocked it by placing my knight on G2. He's playing well since the last few moves. At least not now. He moved his queen to F5 just to defend his knight, which left his king in B8 unguarded. He lost all his powers except one knight and one rook, defended by four pawns in the front row. I moved my queen to check the king straight wards, which gives him no other choice other than to move to the corner as there is a rook on the other side. That'll be it; I'll just bring my rook to kill his defended by my queen, which gives him one last chance to protect his side of the game. Well, he didn't. He moved his king a step forward. My queen goes beside it, having a rook already covering it and his queen hovering around somewhere far away, CHECKMATE. I won.

"Not again!" exclaimed Lucas.

"It's totally your fault. You really had a good chance of playing some more moves than the last time if you just worried about strength around your king. You should foresee the opponent's plan."

"Whatever. You said I improved right. That's enough.

"Another game?"

"Seriously, no way. I'm tired. "

"Thought so." I said and checked my phone for any new messages.

Looking at my depressed face, Lucas asked, "She still didn't text you back?"

"Who said I'm waiting for her message?" I said, keeping my phone aside.

"Said William Rivers, the modern Romeo." She went for some school work, right? She will be busy. She'll text you back for sure when she gets time. You don't worry. "

"Yeah, I know, but... Never mind it," I said, still thinking of the day she left.

After 3 days of our adventure at the abandoned factory, Anna met me in the park after school. I didn't know what the matter was, but she said it was important. She kept silent for nearly ten minutes before she spoke. She said that she had to go to the city for half a month as it was something about her transfer to school and her sister's wedding the next week. I'm not sure how it felt on me, but the next thing I knew, she wouldn't be here for the next fifteen days, that I wouldn't be able to see or meet her, and I was drowning in my sadness. I had to act as if I was okay because I didn't want to send her off sadly.

I told her it was fine and asked when she had to leave, to which she replied that it was the next day, the same day at midnight. She seemed sad, but I don't know if it's because she's going back to the city place, which she doesn't like at all, or because she's going to miss me. I will definitely miss her. I know it would be the first time ever that I was going to miss someone and be that many days without seeing her. She took the promise that I should text her daily.

It was four days ago she left, and the last text from her was that she reached out on the next day at 6:53. Up to now, there has been no text again. I texted her about 40 times a day, but then deleted them and sent her new ones the next day. It was fine for the first two days, but I'm not feeling well since yesterday. I just keep on checking my phone all the time to see if she texted anything back, but every time the notification bar disappoints me. I just hope she's safe and sound. Well, also that she will text me and come back soon if possible because I'm literally missing her.

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