Chapter 1

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"First Assignment"

18 years old (That's her Jedi robes but her lightsaber is white)

Clarabelle stood behind her Master as they listened to her father, the Chancellor. Her lightsaber was an old one from her father. He wanted her to have a red one but the moment she touched the lightsaber and ignited the blade, out came a white blade.

She listened to the assassination attempts on the Senator of Naboo. She knew that someone would have to protect the Senator and Clarabelle slightly hoped it would be her. Master Plo knew she was ready for the trials but wanted her to have a solo mission before.

"Padme, your tragedy on the landing platform, terrible. With you theforce is strong... young Senator. Seeing you alive brings a warmfeeling to my heart," Yoda said as the Senators arrived.

"Thank you, Master Yoda. Do you haveany idea who was behind the attack?" Padme asked looking at the council, her eyes landing on Clarabelle in her white robes.

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of Naboo," Clarabelle said looking at the Senator of her homeworld.

"But I think that Count Dooku was behind it," Padme said confidently in her answer. The council is surprised at the accusation. They look at one another.

"He is a political idealist, not amurderer," Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"You know, M'Lady, Count Dooku wasonce a Jedi. He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character," Windu said to the young senator.

"In dark times nothing is what itappears to be, but the fact remainsfor certain, Senator, in grave danger you are," Yoda said to Padme. Palpatine gets up, walks to the window, and looks out at thevast city.

"Master Jedi, may I suggest that the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces," Palpatine suggested Clarabelle looked at her father knowing what he was trying to do.

"Do you think that is a wise decision during these stressful times?" The senator of Alderaan asked.

"Chancellor, if I may comment, I donot believe the..." Padme started before Palpatine interrupted her.

"... the situation is that serious." No,but I do, Senator," Palpatine said

"Chancellor, please! I don't want any more guards!" Padme said fed up with the amount of security.

"I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you are familiar with... an old friend like... Master Kenobi and Clarabelle..." Palpatine said hinting to the council. Palpatine nods to Windu, who nods back.

"That's possible. He has just returned from a border dispute on Ansion. As for Carabelle, Master Plo. Do you believe your padawan is ready for a solo assignment?" Windu asked looking to the Jedi Master.

"Yes, Clarabelle would provide the necessary protection to Senator Amidala," Plo said looking to his Padawan. Clarabelle gave her master a smile as he praised her.

"You must remember him, M'Lady... he watched over you during the blockade conflict," Palpatine said to a very annoyed Padme.

"This is not necessary, Chancellor," Padme said annoyed at being treated like a little girl.

"Do it for me, M'Lady, please. I will rest easier. We had a big scare today. The thought of losing you is unbearable," Palpatine said

Padme sighed losing her battle. The rest of the Jedi got up and left.

"I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately, M'Lady. Clarabelle, accompany the Senator to her apartment," Windu ordered. Clarabelle nodded and followed the senator to her apartment.

Palpatine smiled at his daughter as she left the office. She would soon learn the ways of the sith.

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