Human★Robot! • Jonathan Sucks.

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The elder son, Jonathan, repeatedly refuses.

"MOM! I'M CHARGING MY PHONE! Don't you see?!"

"Well young man, I need it or there won't be a single phone in this household except mine and your dad's."

"Ugh fine, take it for a few hours, okay?"

He mumbles quietly while resting.
He lies on the bed, looking to the other side of the room to the window. The window's full of trees and birds. If only he could be free like a bird with nothing to be scared of, maybe he'd get out of his room for a little while. But, in the end, his fears will always rip him apart.
Jonathan sighs.
"Maybe I'm not the only one, maybe there's a 5th bird...just..."
His mom slams the door shut.
She runs to the stairs to treat Vivi, the robot says "CHARGED!"
Vivi's soul is now in a void.
She only sees others' thoughts while she charges, trying to remember what happened a few..hours? minutes? she can only remember shouting and crying, and the fall that destroyed her energy. However everything is-
Then, suddenly, The name "Jonathan" pops up.
She reaches for it.
She may not be able to see, remember nor touch well, but in the end she has hope.
Hope is what she works on.
Hope is her second battery.
It's like her life is on the line, just to see Jonathan's thoughts..she reaches for it and she falls into a void of thoughts. Now feeling her body, she screams "WHAT'S THIS?!" only to not be heard.
"I wish I were a bird."
"My wings would fly more free than ever."
"Fear would be my least type of pressure."
"I wouldn't be pressured..never."
"I would never cry."
"I would never depend on electronics."
"I'd be treasured by others."
Vivi falls into the same thoughts too, "Did Jonathan really take this toll on me? Who is he anyways?"

Jonathan runs to his mom.
Vivi can only hear extremely faint footsteps. Footsteps fast..but faint.
She reaches out to grab the source, but she just can't. She can't mentally grasp this anyways, where was she? She can't remember anything either until a few minutes pass by.
And then everything goes blank for Vivi.


"Sweetheart, just sleep and they'll go away. I've got work to do."

Then runs the younger son, yelling "MAMA!!"


She rushes, only to see Vivi hug her, confused, she hugs her too.

However, it was a matter of time until Vivi realized what she truly was in.

The world goes black. Everything is in binary. Vivi has a hard time pronouncing what's on the walls, a man in a black coat, triangular face and slim body walks up to her.

"Young..woman, or may I say, robot."

"What brings you in here today?"


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