Human★Robot! • A Mysterious Boy

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The cat leads Vivi to the city, confused, Vivi pets the cat. However, it runs away.
She tries chasing it, but she has no luck. She is led to a dark place leading into a forest.
"Kitty-cat, why did you leave me here?"
She ponders, as she wanders through the mysterious dark place.
She picks up the very same clover from the cat.
"KITTY-CAT!" She shouts, running forward while shedding tears, thinking the cat had died. Suddenly, a mysterious voice grabs her attention. "Be not afraid", as she falls into a dark pit with sapphires around her. "I WANNA GO HOME!" she shouts. No luck, as she falls into the deep hole.
She meets a young boy wearing a cloak. He then takes off his hood and introduces himself. Vivi stands back as the boy announces himself as "Baron", and that he'd help her get into society again with no fear if she helps him get 20 rabbit carcasses and 2 dead owls. "Mr. Baron, I'm not the type to decline an offer like that, But I'll surely NOT hunt an animal!" "Oh, You don't wanna get back to the family? Wasn't it so..Lovely?" Vivi shuts down, and the boy is speechless.
Vivi doesn't hear.
She reaches out for his name.
"I thought his name was Baron..Wait, isn't he the unit before me?"

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