Almost like home

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a/n: this is the first chapter of she's safe with me, enjoy! :)

Alexa, play 'Out of the old' by Olivia Rodrigo

It was two p.m. when I got off the plane in New York. The people at the airport were in a hurry, and I smelled the sweat coming from all those people running around hectically as they tried to reach their flights.

My flight wasn't that long, but it felt like I was trapped there for years. Maybe it was because of that old dude sleeping next to me, his snoring made it impossible not to feel stressed and annoyed as hell.

At least saying goodbye to my brother wasn't that bad.

As he promised, he met me at the airport. We drank coffee together and ate some delicious tuna sandwiches as we talked about God and the world.

Steve and I always got along pretty well. We loved each other like siblings and, of course, hated each other like siblings normally do - nothing serious, though. We were always there for each other. He was - still is - my best friend.

He said he was happy that I was fulfilling my dreams with Alice in New York but also sad that I had to leave Boston. I didn't dare to tell him the real reason why I moved, and I didn't dare tell him I was about to live with a man I didn't even know in a city I only knew from movies and songs.

I didn't want to hurt him or make him feel sorry for me. I didn't want him to make decisions he would regret, and I didn't want him to prevent me from moving.

Even though he moved out when he was 19 years old, which is now about seven years ago, he visited almost daily and ate dinner with us. Mum loved to cook for her two kids. It's sad thinking about the fact that our last dinner together was the last one for a long time.

I wondered, though, how it would be like living with James?

Would we eat dinner together, or would everyone eat by themselves? Would we cook, or would we order pizza? What would his and my future kitchen look like? Would he do the dishes, or would it all be my job? Maybe he was one of those roommates who would make themselves a sandwich and leave the kitchen behind in a mess.

I don't know. But thinking about all these questions made me already feel kind of homesick, even though I never felt at home in Boston. I never really liked it there. Our house always felt cold, dark, and grey. I think all I'll miss will be my mother, Steve, and our dog Bailey.

As we said goodbye, he told me to call him as soon as my plane would land and that I should come to visit as often as possible. He also said that he already tried to get some days off work to come and visit me and Alice.

My stomach turned at the thought of him or any of my family members or friends visiting me or even finding out about my lies, so I just smiled at him, hoping he would get rid of that idea as soon as possible.

After I arrived in New York City, I called Steve to let him know that the flight went alright - I didn't tell him about Mr. "I kept everyone awake" because I thought it wasn't really necessary.

I grabbed my luggage and called a cab to get to my new apartment to meet that mysterious James B. Barnes, who I still didn't know anything about.

I was excited and nervous, playing around with my fingers to calm my nerves as I looked out the window of the car to admire the view of the streets of New York City.

After paying the driver a lot of money - too much for my liking - I stepped towards that high building and stopped for a brief second to admire its beauty.

I couldn't believe just yet, that this was my new home.

Stepping into the hallway, I decided to take the elevator, pressing button number four.

ON HOLD - She's safe with me - James B. Barnes x OC //AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora