Mamma Mia

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a/n: hii, before you read this, be aware of the trigger warnings mentioned in the introduction chapter! Love you guys and stay safe!


Saturday. Never go out in public on a Saturday.

That's what I told myself for the fiftieth time today.

Everything went alright this morning. I just had to press the snooze button one time before I got up - which was a huge success for me. Steve always called me 'Sleeping Beauty' because I loved to sleep in and spend my days in my pajamas.

James wasn't awake when I got ready for my job interviews or left the building at eight to catch the next bus. Apparently, he liked to sleep in too.

I took the bus after I stopped to get a coffee with extra milk on the way. I wasn't a morning person. That's why I didn't eat breakfast. All that went down in the mornings were some delicious hot cups of coffee with some extra milk. I didn't like the bitter taste of just black coffee.

I came into my job interviews prepared, like a real professional. I even wore a nice outfit that made me look like I had been doing this job for years. They wouldn't turn me down.

Or that's what I thought.

It turned out I was late for both of my interviews. Somehow I read the time wrong and got it mixed up, which meant no job for me today.

If that wasn't already enough, a stupid pigeon shit on my jacket, my coffee tasted like water, and I almost choked on it as I tripped over the step of the last building from my job interview.

Though I didn't get any job today, I decided not to let myself down. It was just a stupid mistake I made. Next time I'll be punctual and ready. I just had to go with the flow.

I walked down the streets of New York, trying to get to the next bus station to get home. I needed to change, and I needed something to eat - I was excited about that chocolate brownie cupcake I bought yesterday since I woke up.

My stomach was already growling as I sat on an empty seat on the bus. I was used to using public transport because I didn't have a driver's license - I already failed my test three times. By the third time, I gave up on even trying to do the test one more time.

Watching the traffic out of the bus window, I tried going through my plans for the rest of the day as my eyes felt heavier and heavier until they just shut down.


I woke up sweaty and warm in my seat. The bus driver stood in front of me with an expression that could murder people. "You need to get up, kid," he said in a raspy voice.

Without a word, I got up, grabbed my purse, and made my way out of the bus fast. I had no fucking clue where I was or how many hours I spent driving around the city.

Looking at my phone, I saw that I was asleep for about two hours.


My battery was also really low, and without GPS, I would not make it home today - my sense of direction was lacking more than my ability to drive, that much I knew.

Without thinking of what to do, I decided to get out the piece of paper with James' number on it. It didn't take long until I heard his voice on the other end of the phone.

"Barnes," he said, his voice firm.

"Hi, James. It's Leilah. I-" I started stuttering into the phone.

Fuck. How do I tell him what happened without making a fool of myself?

ON HOLD - She's safe with me - James B. Barnes x OC //AUWhere stories live. Discover now