Whenever you're ready

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a/n: Alexa, play "If I Can Dream" by Elvis Presley


The morning I woke up next to James on the couch was great. Like, 'great' that it didn't turn out to be super awkward. Not 'great' great, like I wanted to wake up this way for the rest of my life. We both slept well that night and got ready for the day late in the morning. He made some pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries that were freaking delicious. He said he learned how to cook as a child, but didn't go much more into detail. I have dreamed about his fluffy breakfast since then.

Every day of the following week was nearly the same. James went to work - I found out he worked in a rescue shelter that specialized in rescuing dogs - and I went to apply for jobs.

For the last. Ten. Days.

I was done with the world. I gave up. Nobody wanted me to work for them. It was exhausting going to at least two interviews every day without being successful in any kind of way.
I just wanted to marry a rich man and not have to care about anything in the world.

Yeah, that's what I wanted right now.

Talking about men. Daniel hasn't called in the last couple of days. I thought about changing my number again, but he stopped calling for some odd reason. And that was great. I didn't want to deal with him or his accusations about literally anything in our relationship that happened. It was in the past. A past I didn't dare to return to.

Daniel hasn't called, but my mum and Steve did because they wanted to know what living with my best friend was like. I had to lie and tell them that everything was fine. When I went to one of the interviews I had, I even said we went shopping and that my job was great. I told them that everyone was so kind, even though I only knew James so far.

I lied to the two people I loved about how great my life was, even though it couldn't get any worse.

I barely had money left and needed to pay some open bills. Fucked up situation. I also didn't want to ask James to lend me some. So the best thing I could do was lie about my current situation and pretend I was having the best time of my life. At least I could make mum and Steve happy this way, to let them know I was okay, even if I wasn't.

Now I just needed to earn some cash. Otherwise, I'd be living with my mum in a city where my abusive ex-boyfriend waited for me in no time.

I walked into a small store because I needed a dress for Steve's birthday that was coming up. Even though I barely had money left, I always put some aside to spend it on something special and I thought Steve's birthday was a good reason to do so.

It was a cute and petite store, like the little stores I knew back home in Boston. Stepping further in, a scent of lavender hit me, matching the purple walls and decorations of the store.

I already felt comfortable just being here, and after today, a day of rude CEOs telling me I'm not exactly fitting into their work scheme, I really needed some comfort.

Walking to the corner of the room, I saw a long blue dress with delicate dark blue flowers printed on it. It caught my eyes the second I looked around. It was beautiful and cute, and the neckline was kind of sexy.

"It's beautiful." a masculine voice spoke behind my back. I turned around with the dress in my hands. A tall, blonde man with blue eyes and light stubble appeared in my vision. His smile wasn't pretty, but he seemed nice.

"The dress, it's really beautiful. I'm sorry, I just wanted to say that I think you would look good in it," he said, a little embarrassed. It was kind of cute, though.

"Don't be. I think it's actually really kind of you." I smiled at him. "Now I know that I need to buy this dress." I chuckled lightly, and he returned it with a smile.

ON HOLD - She's safe with me - James B. Barnes x OC //AUWhere stories live. Discover now