The Date

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a/n: Heyyy guys. I'm back :) I hope you're doing well.

It's time for the date. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. As always, please be aware of the tw mentioned in the introduction chapter.

Enjoy! <3


I curled the last strand of my dark blonde hair as I checked my appearance in the mirror above the sink in our bathroom. I barely had time left before John would come to pick me up, but I didn't really like the whole look just yet.

Lewis Capaldi was playing on the radio, and no matter how much I loved his songs, they made me sad. I was so close to messaging John that I got sick or something because I was nervous and didn't feel comfortable in that blue dress he told me to buy. I don't know what it was, but somehow my tiny breasts looked like they weren't just small anymore but non-existent. I hated it.

A sigh left my throat as I applied some more light eyeshadow to my lids when I heard a little knock on the bathroom door. James.

"Hey, Leilah? You okay?"

He came home early today, telling me, that he won't have to work for the next three weeks because his boss got him some time off due to how much he'd worked the last couple of months. I really liked his boss. He sounded nice.

"Yeah I'm okay," I said and made my way over to the door, opening it way too fast, which made me stumble forward. I got caught by two strong arms that held me warm the other night and gave the best hugs and cuddles someone could imagine.

"Sorry," I muttered as I tried to find my composure again, putting a strand behind my ear and looking up into his face.

His eyes were huge, not blinking and staring right at me. It took him a moment before he started to speak.

"You look..." he brushed one hand through his hair. "Wow." he chuckled, and his cheeks began to flush.

"You think?" I asked, still feeling insecure about the whole thing.

"Yeah, I mean, you look beautiful."

"Thank you. I- I just don't know. I don't feel comfortable for some reason." I chewed the inside of my cheek and rubbed one finger over my thumb.

"Why?" he asked softly.

I shrugged. I'm actually embarrassed to talk about my tiny breasts and that I felt pretty insecure about them.

"Doesn't really matter, does it?" I smiled weakly, turning around and putting my makeup back into its bag.

"Yeah, it does. I mean, look at you. You are beautiful."

The way he said it made me blush, "That's really lovely James, but..." I sighed, "I don't know. I guess I don't like my breasts in that dress, you know?" I took a look in the mirror and straightened the dress.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him approaching slowly.

"I don't."

He took a few steps closer to me, and I turned to face him. His stubble suited him perfectly with his fluffy hair that he still didn't cut for some reason. I didn't complain, though. I liked it.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. Our faces were just a few inches away.

"If I tell you exactly what I mean, you'll think I'm a pervert." he chuckled, his cheeks a light pink.

"Tell me," I said softly but still curious.

"No." he smiled and shook his head, biting his lower lip.

ON HOLD - She's safe with me - James B. Barnes x OC //AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن