〘 ᴀᴘʀɪʟ 14 : ᴛʜᴜʀꜱᴅᴀʏ 〙

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Nya was one of those people who would sleep late and wake up early. Kai on the other hand was the opposite, he slept early and woke up late.

Today was one of the days where Nya woke up late and Kai woke up early....way TOO early in fact. He had the time to make coffee, cook some decent french toast for themselves and probably some friends, along with having time to watch some anime by the time Nya woke up.

"Morning." He greets as he sips on his cup of coffee. Nya could only look at him dumbfounded, "How long were you awake?" she asked. Kai gives a shrug, "dunno. I just wanted coffee and food."

Nya takes a seat and then takes a bite of the french toast, "It's to sweet." She complains. "I know. That's why I drank black coffee" Kai chuckles before offering her one. "No thanks. I'm just gonna make myself scrambled eggs and toast instead." She said. "Suit yourself." Kai shrugs as he focuses back on his phone screen.

"Though I think Lloyd would like them." Nya stated. "Hm? The what?" "The french toast." "Why???" He asks. "I noticed that he always bought something sweet every time we ate lunch together. Like the strawberry shake from the other day! I tried that before and it was wayyy too milky for me." She explains. "Huh. Never noticed that." Kai said, "But I guess it would be too bad to waste these."

[ Greenhill High ]

When Kai entered his classroom he noticed Lloyd was napping on the green hoodie he always brought around yet never wears it. 'Huh...it does make for a good pillow.'

The moment he took his seat, Lloyd shifted around and woke up. "Morning sleepyhead~!" Kai greeted. "oh...hi. has class started?" Lloyd asks as he rubs his eyes. 'His morning voice is cute.'

"Nope. I'm surprised you didn't notice that I'm early for once." He replies. The blonde turned on his phone, squinting at it for a bit, to check the time. He then lied his head again on his make-shift pillow, though it looks like he won't be able to go back to sleep.

"Rough night?" Kai asked. "More like the anxieties and questions of possibilities running through my head kept me up all night." Lloyd groans. Kai looked at him in shock, he expected a nod or a hum from him but something so blunt wasn't what he expected.

"Did you even eat?" He asked. That got Lloyd to fully wake up, "Wait do we have P.E. today!?" He asks. Kai went through his mental schedule then nodded. "Ugh..." Lloyd groans.

Kai hands him a zip-lock bag with 2 slices of french toast, "I made extra today, you can have it."

Lloyd grabs it, a bit hesitantly, but he gave him a silent thanks. The moment he bit into it, Kai could tell that if this was an anime, his eyes would be sparkling. He tried to supress a laugh but an awkward sound between a laugh or a choke came out instead.

"What!? I'm hungry!" Lloyd pouts. "I'm pretty sure your eyes sparkled a bit." Kai says teasingly. "A-Are you sure? Cause you might be imagining things since the window is behind me." "Nahhh I'm pretty sure I saw it." "You did not." "I did."

Lloyd huffs and continues eating, not because he lost the argument but because he knows he's a slow eater and he doesnt want to eat cold french toast later.

[ Recess ]

When recess arrived, Lloyd didn't buy anything. He was still full after eating the toast Kai gave him. So instead he waited at their usual spot on the catwalk. Surprisingly, Nya was already there with just a bottle of iced tea. She seemed really focused and busy tapping on her phone, Lloyd couldn't help but be curious.

When he took a closer look as he quietly sat beside her, he realized "YOU HAVE CYTUS 2!?!?" He exclaimed. "OH MY FSM!! Lloyd, you scared me!" Nya places a hand on her chest as if trying to calm herself down. "Sorry, you just looked so focused..." He mutters.

"It's fine. This song was really hard anyway. Wait, YOU know Cytus!?!?" Nya exclaimed as she stood up in shock. Lloyd had his hands up as if he was being held at gunpoint, "Uhm...I only know about it since it's kinda popular and I downloaded it for a bit because of the Miku pack but I decided not to play it because I needed to pay and I wanna keep my rep as a F2P so...!" Lloyd blurted it out so fast Nya could barely understand what he just said.

"Wait wait wait...I wasn't asking about that. I mean, you were just someone I didn't expect to like rhythm games and—" "DID SOMEONE SAY MIKU!?!?" A familiar voice called out to them. Cole rushed towards them, surprisingly not dropping his deep-fried oreos. "Cole you're too fast!" Kai can be seen jogging towards them. "What took you guys so long?" Nya asked. "Long line." "Ah."

"Wait...you know Miku?" Nya asks. "Lloyd knows Miku?" Kai and Cole repeated. 'Oh shit. Oh shit. I'm screwed—' "She showed up online more than once! That's it, I'm not like a big fan or anything..." He lied on the spot, hoping no one would call him out on it.

"Why were you interested in the Miku Pack then?" Nya asks. "Because...she's the only one I know haha..." Lloyd nervously laughs. "Fair enough." Cole shrugs but lets out a sigh of disappointment as he was waiting for the chance to talk about analyzing some vocaloid songs.

"C-Can I play...?" Lloyd's voice barely comes out as a whisper but Nya handed her phone to him, already a song selected for him. "Just don't break it." "I won't"

The three watched as Lloyd played and then realized...he's really good at rhythm games. Surprisingly good...okay he's probably too good at it.

Then the bell rang. "Um...thanks for letting me play." He sheepishly says. "No problem. Let's go before the teachers kill us." Nya says.

And at that moment Lloyd realizes that that time was when he probably felt the most embarrassed and the happiest he has been so far...after the incident.

[ Nya's Classroom ]

The moment she rushed into the class, Becky, her seatmate, rapidly tapped her hand on her desk upon noticing her, telling her to hurry up. Nya lands in her seat right in time before Sir Richard comes in. She lets out a sigh of relief as class begins.

"Where were you?" Becky whispers. "Usual spot at lunch, I got caught up playing Cytus." Nya replied. The two girls decide to keep quiet during the rest of the class before their teacher catches them.

[ Later... ]

Sir Richard excuses himself to use the restroom. The moment he left, the entire class went abuzz, taking the chance to chat with each other.  Becky takes this chance to take out her papercraft project and continue doing it (even though she clearly shouldn't) while Nya opened up Cytus again.

Her seatmate got curious and took a peak, "Wait you cleared Mammal on Chaos!?" Becky exclaimed. "Huh? Oh shit what!? No I didn't! Oh my fsm Lloyd's insane..." Nya mutters in realization. She takes a quick screenshot and messages Kai, asking for Lloyd's contact even though she knows he has his phone on silent. Little did she know, Kai was already secretly using his phone during class.


[ Hey, what's Lloyd's contact? ]

big bro
[ Just search "Lloyd Kimura" he's the first result ]

[ Oh...I'm dumb :D ]

big bro
[ Nah its okay we have those momentz ]

[ wait a min... ]

big bro
[ becuz I can B) ]
[ It's not like ur any different from me lol ]


"Sir's coming back!" One of her classmates cried out as he peeked through the door. "Oh shit." Everyone immediately went back to their seats, fixed their things and pretended everything was normal.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

[ A/N ]
[ So sorry for how abrupt this ending is...I just didn't know how to continue it so I just stopped writing hehe... ]

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