Chapter 1

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What? What's happening? Where am I? I thought as I looked around the room in confusion.  The room was dark and I was lying on something soft.  I felt like I was spinning, round and round.  And my head.  My head... it hurts so much, someone make it stop!

The door opened, letting light stream in.  I winced and threw my arms over my face.  I uttered a muffled moan from underneath my arms as a result of the intrusion.  Whoever decided come in here better have a bloody good explanation... wherever here was...

I slowly lifted my arm to see the silhouette of a tall man holding a steaming mug.  I groaned again.  last night was my 21st birthday, and since it was a pretty special birthday, and I’d never had a birthday party before, my friends decided to celebrate.  Please don't tell me I've gone home with a random stranger. I thought as I crossed my fingers.  A light chuckle emanated from the silhouette.  It worried my slightly and I quickly changed my train of thought, actually, I don't mind if he's a stranger just please don't let him be a psychopath.

The silhouette slowly started moving toward me and I panicked a little.  What have I done?  I still had my clothes on which I'd been wearing last night, so that was a relief.  I started racking through other possibilities that could have occurred the previous night, but my mind was still quite sluggish and I was interrupted before I could come up with any hypotheses.  Before I knew it he was sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Afternoon, sleepy head."  He almost whispered.  His voice was soft and calm with a hint of mocking laughter.  The thought that he was a psychopath took a back seat and his sweet voice filled my head...  Wait... did he say afternoon?

"Did... did you just say afternoon?" I croaked. I hadn't realised how dry my throat was.

He nodded.  "Yeah, it's nearly one."

Shit.  I had to be at work for three and I still didn't even know where I was.  I attempted to sit up, but as soon as I did, my head started spinning and my stomach lurched.

"Woah, woah, take it easy.  Here, I made this for you, it should help."   He held my back and handed me the mug.  I gingerly accepted it.  I hesitated for a moment, 'what am I doing accepting this? I don't even know what he looks like!'  The stranger's face had been silhouetted when I looked at him.  I cautiously lifted the mug to my lips.  The warm, sweet taste of hot chocolate reached my tongue and I instantly felt better.  It was if he knew that hot chocolate always solved everything for me.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the hot chocolate warming my body.

"Th... Thank you."  I whispered, not knowing quite what to say in this situation. 

"No problem, me and Dan will be in the living room if you need anything."  He got up and started heading towards the door.  However, there was still one question that was bugging me, I had to ask him before he left. 

"Where... am I... and who are you?"  I called after him, making my ears ring.  He froze for a second before turning around.

He leaned against the door frame and scratched the back of his head.  "Wow, you really did have a lot to drink last night, didn't you?  How about you come into the living room when you're ready and I'll explain it to you then.  The bathroom is over there."  He said, pointing to the other side of the bedroom. He closed the door behind him as he left the room, leaving me in darkness again.

I got out of the bed, bit by bit, I didn't want to end up vomiting on a stranger's floor, and slowly made my way to the en-suite bathroom.  The bright light of the bathroom blinded me and I winced.  I eventually managed to lift my head to face myself in the mirror.  Great TARDIS of Gallifrey, I look like a zombie that's been dragged through a hedge backwards.  My shoulder-length, red, curly hair was sticking out in every direction.  My make-up from the previous night had smudged all around my green eyes, making me look like I hadn't slept for a week (it wasn't that far off the truth).  I grabbed the brush and pulled it through my unruly hair.  Ow, ow, OW! I thought as I yanked it through various knots.  After I'd finished, I ran the tap and washed my face, shivering as the cold water touched my skin, but thankful for its refreshing qualities.  After I'd washed all of my make-up off, I dried my face and looked in the mirror again.  I had dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep of recent months, but it was better than the big black smudges of make-up.

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