Chapter 4

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I woke up to Sarah shaking me and laughing.  "Come on sleepy head, time to get up."

That sounded really familiar.  "Ugh... what?"  I groaned.  I opened my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness.  My face was resting on the desk with my laptop, which was still  turned on, just next to me.  Sarah was standing next to me shaking her head softly.  I must've fallen asleep working.  "What time is it?"

"About 11.30."  Sarah responded.

I dragged myself upright and looked at her.  "Mmkay... I'm gonna get ready."  I said as I hauled myself off the chair and towards the bathroom, locking the door behind me.  I turned on the shower and undressed as I waited for the shower to heat up.

As I was attempting to get the conditioner through my thick, matted mass of hair, Sarah called through the door.  "Hey, Vi, you've got a text message!"

"Who's it from?"  I yelled back.

"I dunno."  She shouted.  "Hold on a sec... It's from a guy called Phil.  He says he wants to meet up."

I jumped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me as I sped to the bathroom door.  I yanked the door open and grabbed the phone with my still wet hands and read the text.

Hey Violet, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up some time and hang out.  Let me know if you're interested.  Phil :)

I smiled and texted him back.

Hey, I'm going out with my friend Sarah today but you could bring Dan and we could all hang out together if you want.  Vi ^_^

I checked with Sarah that it was okay before I pressed the send button.  Within 30 seconds I got a reply.

I'd love to!  How about me meet at Starbucks in about an hour?  Phil :)

My smile turned into a slight grimace as I remembered what had happened there yesterday.

Great :)  see you there.  Vi ^_^

I threw the phone across the room to my bed and noticed Sarah standing there smirking knowingly.

"What?!"  I asked defensively.

"You really like him don't you?"  She grinned.


"This Phil guy.  I mean it's obvious, like the way you started smiling as soon as you read the text.  Just admit it, you like him."

I sighed.  There was no point trying to pretend to Sarah, she knew pretty much everything when it came to having a crush on someone.  "Okay, I do.  He's my Youtube crush."  I admitted.

"Oh, so he's one of those guys that you obsess over every second of the day.  Yeah, I think I've seen a couple of his videos.  His friend's cute, I like him."  She smiled.

"Which one?  You mean Dan?"  I asked.  Sarah nodded and I shook my head in mild despair.  She was unbelievable.  "Yeah, well we're meeting them both at Starbucks in an hour so if you'll excuse me, I've got to get ready."  I said, gesturing her to leave my room.

I towel dried my hair, not bothering to try and style it or anything.  I had tried restraining it yesterday, but within hours, so much of my hair had escaped from the plait that I might as well not have bothered.

I spent a bit longer picking out my outfit, wanting to look at least half decent this time.  I eventually chose my grey Karen Millen skinnies (that I got cheap in a charity shop), a soft light blue jumper, and my beige, studded, lace-up army boots.

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