Chapter 3

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A/N: I would just like to thank tumblr user smile-mona forthe idea for this chapter. I was in a bit of a rut and thanks to her (although I haven't thanked her personally yet and I think it's a bit late to do that that now so yeah...) I managed to finally finish this chapter :D


Phil's POV

Violet grabbed her coat and a (quite large) bag and smiled at me. She'd put her hair into a braid that fell just past her shoulders in an attempt to tie it back, but as her hair dried, there were already curls escaping from their attempted restraint. She reminded me of something... but I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

"Shall we go then?" Her words brought me back to reality. I nodded. I had no idea where we were going, but I got up to follow her anyway. She paused with a frown on her face for a second, but then shrugged and opened the door. "After you." She gestured.

"What was that for?" I asked as we walked out the door.

She looked up at me. "What was what for?"

"The frown. You frowned at me before we walked out the door." I explained.

"Well... You're coming with me when you have no idea who I really am or where we're going. I guess I've just never met anyone as..." She paused, searching for the right word. "...trusting as you." I shrugged and carried on walking with her.

We walked in silence until we reached Starbucks, where Violet turned and faced me. "Welcome to where I work." She said, holding the door open for me as we both walked through. "Sit down, I'll get you a coffee."

I flopped myself in one of the squidgy chairs and watched Violet bustle about filling orders. She looked so beautiful as she served each customer, beaming and having a little chat with every one. It wasn't that busy, so she soon came over to me, carrying a large mug.

"One Venti Vanilla Spice Latte, on the house." She said nervously, with a slight smile. At that moment, before I could thank her, and insist on paying for it, the door swung open and a tall, cocky looking guy sauntered through. Violet straightened up and followed him with her eyes, pure anger spilling out.

The guy stopped in front of Violet at looked down at her with an arrogant grin. "I'm here." He sneered.

Violet crossed her arms. "Yes, I can see that Matt, and you're late! Back room, now!" She ordered him, authoritatively. He whistled and gave her a sarcastically surprised face, as if mocking her, and then traipsed off to a room behind the counter.

She took a deep breath before excusing herself and storming off to the back room, where 'Matt' had gone. I could only assume that it was the boy that Violet's friend Sarah was crying over earlier.

What ensued made everyone go silent. Enraged yelling could be heard throughout the whole cafe, promptly followed by a morose looking Matt sulking out of the room with an extremely red cheek.

I'll have to remember never to get on the wrong side of her then. I thought. I had seen so many different sides to Violet already, and I hadn't even known her for a day. Last night, she had been extremely chatty (although that was most probably the alcohol doing that for her), then when she'd woken up, I'd seen the uncertain and anxious part of her, then back at her apartment she'd been bubbly and cheerful, but extremely protective and caring of her friend, and now, I'd witnessed the fiery and passionate part of her.

Violet emerged from the room a few moments later, looking slightly ruffled, but otherwise clam, almost as if the whole episode hadn't happened. She walked in front of the counter, well aware that everyone's eyes were on her.

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