Chapter 5

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"Ugh, I am dead!"  I groaned as  I sat down in a booth in Shake Away with my milkshake in one hand and a bunch of overflowing bags in the other.  There was barely enough space for Phil to sit next to me.

Sarah came and sat opposite me, carrying 2 boutique bags in the crook of her arm.  "Oh, come on Vi, it's not that bad.  We've only been shopping for 4 hours, there's still loads more shops to go to!"

Okay, that's it.  I know I said I was going out today for Sarah, but if I have to look at one more frilly skirt, or another pair of platform heels, I will explode!  "Sarah, no."  I ignored the puppy dog eyes she was trying to give me.  "No more shopping.  If I have to go in any more shops I'll collapse on the spot and not move for a month."

"Oh, okay."  Sarah said, slightly deflated.  "But can we go in just one more shop? Pleeeease?"  Sarah fluttered her eyelids at me, hopefully.  "Then I promise we can all go home, and you can pass out on the sofa and I'll make you tea and dinner."

I sighed and shook my head.  I suppose I could handle one more shop, but I'd have to check with the guys first.  No doubt they're bored out of their minds.  "Phil, Dan?  Would you be able to manage one more shop?  I mean, you could go home now if you want, no one's forcing you to stay and shop."

Dan looked 521493245% done, but before he could say anything, Phil spoke.  "I think we can manage one more shop. Right Dan?"  Phil stared at him.

"Yeah, whatever."  He mumbled, staring intensely at the table, absently twirling his straw.  He looked like he didn't want to be here at all.

"You sure he's okay with it?"  I whispered to Phil, looking cautiously over at Dan.

"He'll be fine."  He smiled.

We stayed at Shake Away for a little while, and I swear I fell asleep a couple of times.

"Can we go now?  The shop won't be open for much longer and I really want to get some things from there."  Sarah said impatiently.

"Oh alright."  I sighed, not wanting to get up but not wanting to argue either.  I could've just stayed there and slept for a week.  Late nights are not meant to be followed by busy days.

Where we went next I was not expecting.  After riding on the tube and walking for what seemed like forever, Sarah stopped.

"Huh, why we stopping?"  I looked in the direction that Sarah was facing.  Forbidden Planet.  "What are we doing here?"

"This is the shop I wanted to go to."  She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.  I just stared at her oddly.  "What?!  Am I not allowed to like fashion and Pokémon?  Stop staring at me and get in there!"

I grabbed Phil's hand (he was the closest person to my free hand) and dragged him inside.  I glanced back briefly and saw Dan holding the door open for Sarah and smiling slightly.  

I smiled at the scene.  Who would've known that Sarah liked the same things I did?  I kinda wish she'd told me at some point, we could've had so much fun together.  Maybe things will change now.

I took Phil to the Doctor Who section (my first and foremost obsession) and marvelled over it all.  We went through the whole shop looking at everything, picking up the t-shirts and figurines, and sifting through the posters.  I would've bought the whole shop if I could.

After about an hour we managed to find Dan and Sarah again.  Sarah was loaded with various items and Dan was carrying the bags she was carrying earlier (along with a few items of his own).

I had an 'I'm the forgotten Doctor' t-shirt, a TARDIS key necklace and a Jake (from Adventure Time) purse.

"Is that all you're getting?"  Sarah asked me, gesturing at my comparably smaller collection of items.

A Night to Remember (an AmazingPhil fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now