Chapter 2

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I thought back to last night and recounted what I remembered to Phil.  

I had been sat in my bedroom playing The Resistance with about 10 energy drinks and lots of chocolate when my flatmate Sarah burst into my room and yanked me out of my bed.  "Wha-?  What the hell do you want this time?"  I groaned as she dragged me out of my room.  I had the joy of sharing a flat with someone who was a wannabe Fashion Designer that had already dropped out of uni twice before.  Let's just say her head tended to stray towards the clouds on regular occasions and quite often, she reminded me of Little Miss Scatterbrain, so naturally I thought it was one of the times when she needed help with any of her real life problems.

"I refuse to share a flat with someone who's spending her twenty-first birthday not doing anything.  I have a reputation to uphold here!  I've invited some friends over, we're having a party!"  She declared happily as she took me into her bedroom and opened her wardrobe.  I groaned and rolled my eyes.  I had organised the day off just so I could spend it doing absolutely nothing.  This was obviously just her excuse to have a party, not that she ever needed an excuse before.  Only, this time, instead of locking myself in my bedroom for the night, I was going to have to endure the loud music and the drunk, sweaty people first hand.  "Now, we're going to have to find you something to wear.  I can't have people seeing you like..."  She looked me up and down.  "... that.  Or anything that you've got for that matter."  I was going to protest, but it would be pointless.

Eventually, I let her dress me in ripped skinny jeans, a maroon peplum top (whatever the hell that was supposed to mean), and an American style jacket.  Then I was dragged off to the bathroom so that she could do my make-up.  I really didn't like the amount of make-up she was putting on me, and I hated the fake eyelashes, but I didn't want to argue with her.

At about 10.30pm people started arriving, slowly at first, then the masses arrived, all carrying alcohol with them.  I didn't really see what the need for everyone to bring alcohol to the party was, for two reasons.  1, Sarah always had a massive stash of alcohol, plenty for a whole army, and 2, surely you can have a good party without being completely plastered.  There must have been at least 30 people: I wondered how on Earth everyone was going to fit in the apartment.

Soon enough, the music was blaring away and nearly everyone was rubbing their sticky, sweaty bodies against each other.  I just stood behind the breakfast bar sipping a 'Fat Frog' (it sounds really disgusting, but it tastes delicious, like a refresher).  In the first hour, I had shunned off multiple alcohol induced attempts to flirt and was overwhelmed with relief when a bunch of them decided to hit the night clubs.

About 10 of us were left afterwards including Sarah and her boyfriend (Sarah was broke), and we decided to watch a few movies and play some drinking games (when I say we I mean they - I was all for the movies though).  LOTR was decided and I was eventually forced into partaking in the drinking games.

I didn't remember much after about half way through the first LOTR movie, but I did rememeber after nearly everyone had gone save Sarah, her boyfriend and his friend (I think his name was Mike, or something like that) , Mike suggested that we go over to his friend's place.  Everything after that was a complete blur.

Phil looked at me blankly for a moment before he realised I'd stopped talking.  Dan walked in with our drinks just as I finished, so Phil took a sip before carrying on my evening, with a little help from Dan.

"So you and Mike... you're not..."  Phil started, nodding his head encouragingly, as if he was suggesting something.

"Oh, you mean, are we... together?"  I laughed out loud at that.  "That's a good one.  Him, and me? In a relationship?  You've got to be kidding!"  Who in their right mind would want to date me?

A Night to Remember (an AmazingPhil fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now