Chapter 6

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It was 2 days before I heard from Phil again.  He text my asking if I wanted to go out that weekend.

'Sorry I can't.  I'm going to see my family this weekend.  How's Monday?  Vi x'

 'Monday's great :)  I'll pick you up at 7. Phil :)'

 It was already Friday evening and I was leaving first thing the next morning.  Ughmornings. I hate them.  I guess I'd better start packing...

I scrambled around my room grabbing my clothes and random things and chucking them into my suitcase (I know, I'm only going for a weekend but it's only a small suitcase).  After I finished I collapsed on my bed and flipped open my laptop.  I fangirled a little when I found out that Dan and Phil were now following me on Twitter.  

I stayed awake for a while chatting on Skype with my long-distance best friend who I'd never met irl, Jasmine.  I told her all about the past few days; about waking up in Phil's bed and being asked on a date.  I told her all the details as she squealed and made strange, inhuman noises whilst waving her arms around like a chicken.

I glanced at the time in the corner of my screen.  Shit. It's nearly 2am!  I quickly said goodbye to Jasmine and settled down to sleep (which obviously means that I turned off my laptop and switched to my phone for another couple of hours before eventually drifting off).

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.  I looked up and saw it flashing 7am.  I reluctantly rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, dragging the clothes I'd laid out with me.

Half an hour later I emerged fully made up and wearing the most comfortable clothes I owned (that I dared to be seen publicly in).  I made Sarah a cup of tea and left it on her bedside table.  I grabbed my stuff and left for the train station.

The next few hours were the most boring I'd had all week.  There'd been some damage to the tracks so the train had been delayed by an hour.  I ended up entertaining myself by re-reading Eragon for the fourth time which continued for the entire train ride.

When I eventually got off the train (two hours of attempting to block out the noise of the screaming kid by blasting my music as loud as I could through my headphones), I looked around for my aunt who was supposed to be waiting for me.  I soon saw my little sister's caramel hair bobbing amongst the crowd, and my aunt's silver bun not long after.  

"Jenny!  Over here!"  I called, waving my arm in the air.  No sooner had I lowered my arm than Jenny slammed into me, wrapping her arms around me.  "Whoa!  Calm down chica!"  I laughed.

Jenny grabbed my suitcase.  "Come on slow mo!"  She yelled as she ran back to Aunt Tess.

I smiled as I watched her dart through the masses, narrowly missing people in her path.  God, I love that girl.

My Aunt greeted me with a hug.  "Hello sweetie!  Come on, let's get you to the car, you must be awfully tired after your journey."

The journey back was quiet.  None of us were really talkative travellers.

Staying with my family was great.  I hung out with Jenny and Bridie a lot.  We went to the cinema a couple of times (something that I didn't do very often nowadays), and generally spent our time chilling and having a laugh.  We celebrated by birthday by having a movie marathon all night and pigging out on junk food.

Bridie said that her older brother lived in London and that I should meet up with him at some point.  Monday morning came much too soon and it was time to head back to London.  Another early morning train ride that I was not at all happy about.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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