Blessed Are The Peace-Makers

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Blessed Are The Peace-Makers

There is one in every family, The Howard's were no different, first came Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and after him came his second granddaughter who was given the name of Lady Samhain (Celtic for "Summer-ends), Wilhelmina, the feminine form of William after her paternal great-great-great and great-great grandfather's name, and Charlene named after great and grandfather, and she was created in the name of her great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard, the Duchess of Clarence Territory.

Lady Samhain was born on the Pagan New Year as her sister was born of The Pagan Sabbat of Beltane 16 months before.

Lady Samhain resembled her grandfather and father, Lord Charles Andrew JR and Lord Andrew Charles Howard with their dark hair and brown eyes.

Lady Samhain was the peace-maker within the family and she didn't like to see any discord within her family just like Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR.

In time she would make sure that Beck's and Howard's that had been connected since the marriage of Lady Eliza Katherine Howard to Lord William David Beck would reunite when she marries Lord Edwin William Howard's great-great-grandson, Lord David William Beck II.

Lady Eliza Katherine Howard was the only child of Lord Edwin William Howard and Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux and she married Lord William David Beck and they had Lord David William Beck who married Lady Katherine Kelly and they were the father and mother of Lord David William Beck II and they were second cousins once removed.

Lord David William Beck was the grandson of Lady Penelope Rich nee Devereux and the Countess of Essex Territory and she left it to her daughter but she died before she could become Countess so it passed onto her son, Lord David William Beck in 2275.

Lord David William Beck II would become Earl of Essex Territory in time and he would become Duke-Consort to the Clarence Territory with Lady Samhain and they would govern the two territories together jointly.

Lady Karissa nicknamed her second child and daughter after the Biblical verse in the Gospel of St. Matthew. "Blessed Are The Peace-makers."

Lady Samhain was just exactly as her grandfather was before her. They wanted peace in their family.

Lady Samhain went on to have two children, Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard named for paternal grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard nee Stuart and a son, Lord David Andrew Beck named for his two grandfathers, Lord David William Beck Senior and Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Patricia would inherit the Dukedom of Clarence Territory from her mother and Lord David Andrew would inherit the Earldom of Essex from his father.

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