The Duchess Who Loved Me

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The Duchess Who Loved Me: Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard-Duchess of Gloucester Territory

Lord Andrew Charles Howard was blessed with his fifth child and fourth daughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard in March of 2290.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard wasn't quite 45 years old when Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard was born on Ostara of 2285 (March 21,or Spring Equinox) of 2290, but he wasn't disappointed when he saw his final child as she was the most beautiful child.

Lady Sophia Dorothea was named for the beautiful and tragic Queen of King George I of England.

She had golden blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin and she was Lord Andrew Charles' favorite daughter whereas Lady Samhain was Lady Karissa's favorite daughter.

Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard was welcomed with open arms by all of her older sisters and brothers when she was born in 2290.

Both of her brother, Lord Anthony and Lord Albert made a vow to their father and mother that they would protect their baby sister, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard but her eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth was just tough as their mother and she reminds Lord Andrew Charles as his grand-aunt, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard who was the great-grandmother of Lord Richard William Carey.

Lady Elizabeth was taught to fight and she could and would throw a good right hook at any man and knock him down on his rear-end with no regrets.

Lady Sophia Dorothea could stand ground with any man and like her mother she wasn't afraid to dare any man to hit her and she wouldn't stand behind her sex as the weaker sex and she had a sharp tongue like her mother.

Lady Sophia Dorothea had the face of an angel but behind it stood the face of femme fatale and every young man on Star Base 12 knew it.

Lady Sophia Dorothea was also a tom-boy and she liked to climb trees, play soft-ball, hand-wrestle, and horse-back ride, and play archery and she meant to win and she always did.

She was also raised to be a lady in many aspects and as she grew up she caught the attention of her first cousin twice removed, Lord William Frederick Howard, the eldest grandson of Lord Frederick William Howard II and Lady Beatrice Bourbon and eldest son of Lord William Federick Howard II and Lady Mary Henrietta Grey and nothing could please Lord Andrew Charles Howard when his youngest daughter, Lady Sophia Dorothea married her first cousin twice removed Lord William Frederick Howard in 2305 and together they had three children, Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard, Lady Mary Henrietta Howard, and Lord William Frederick Howard.

Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard would inherit the Dukedom of Gloucester Territory from her mother and Lady Mary Henrietta Howard would inherit the territory of Windsor from her father, while his brother, Lord Frederick William Howard IV would go to marry Lady Karissa Ann Howard in 2312.

Through Lady Karissa Ann Howard and Lord Frederick William Howard IV they would have Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard who would marry Lord Andrew Charles Howard III, the grandson of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart and they would become parents of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard, Lord Andrew Charles Howard IV, and Lady Victoria Suzanne Howard.

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