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I sit down on my bed tuning my 1976 Fender Stratocaster, spinning the nobs until it was to my liking. This was my first gig at the Hideout since I moved back home and I had no idea what to expect. "Hey earth to Allison." I hear and I look up to see my younger brother standing at my door.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask him moving my guitar strap and setting it on the bed next to me.

He stood in my doorway with a Star Wars shirt on and a single curl popping out of his thinking cap. "Actually I did knock but you just didn't hear me". I stand up and walk over to my dresser. Taking the pile of sheet music and putting it down inside my guitar case. Putting my guitar in after. "Where are you going? Don't tell me your already back at work you just got here." He says and I look at him.

"Yeah, I mean I miss preforming" I said shrugging my shoulders. Even though it's for a few drunks on a Thursday night, it gave me a feeling of comfort. "You wanna come?" I ask him throwing my guitar case over my shoulder.

"No, my friends are coming over later. What time do you think you'll be home" He says while shifting his feet. "But. Do you think you'll be able to drive me to Hellfire tomorrow." He asks.

"Yeah sure. I'll be home around nine, trust me I won't mess with your DnD campaign." I grab my car keys off the table and walk out the door, shutting it behind me. Dustin still watched me as I made my to the front door. "Dust, i'll be fine." I continued walking and got into my car, putting the keys in the ignition of my 67 impala and pull out of the driveway. I run my fingers across the steering wheel getting a feel, after not being able to drive it for a year. Dustin had followed me out the door, and he waved while I drove away.

He always worried for me when I left. He has been through so much and we can't even tell anyone. He did everything to keep me safe. When i pulled into the parking lot only a few cars were there. Those few being the same drunks that always came. Most of them would rather get drunk than hear me play guitar but the bartenders liked it. After I got my guitar and locked my car, I went in through the side entrance. Sitting down on the stage, on the beat up old bar stool they had for me.

I took my guitar and pick out of the case. Plugging it into the aux machine and turning the volume to something not too loud. The owner always gave me recommendations for songs to play to start off the night. Simple songs, nothing to difficult.

I held my guitar in my hand. Taking a deep breath before playing the cords to Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. Moving my head to the rhythm, I took a good look around the room. Everything was the same as when I had left. The red velvet seats towards the front of the building where me and Dustin used to sit and eat after school on Friday's. The same five drunks sat at the bar, watching some sort of sports event on the small tv on the back wall. Next to the door was a photo wall of everyone that has played on this stage.

The only unfamiliar thing, was the person leaning against that wall. He had long brown hair. He was wearing a black Dio t-shirt with black jeans, a chain draped over his thigh. What really caught my eye were the tattoos scattered up his fore arm. Bats, and a puppet master. The light was dim but my guess referencing Master of Puppets by Metallica. He had a smirk plastered on his face as he watched me play each cord. By the time I realized I was staring he was already looking me in the eye. I quickly look back down at my guitar, my smile being impossible to hide.

I wrapped up the song with a few extra cords before taking a drink of water. Tuning my guitar one last time to fit with the final song of the night. Wanted Dead or Alive. When it came to the words, no matter how drunk everyone was they all managed to harmonize together. It's odd how that all works.

I stood up moving my head up and down and turning the aux up so they like it even more. Creating more business for the bar. The drunk singing quiets down when the song ends and they applaud. I put my guitar back in it's case throwing it over my shoulder and saying one last thank you to the bar before walking to the door. The same boy I saw before was now walking to the door as well. "After you princess" He says holding it open for me and stepping out of the way.

"What a gentleman" I say hoping he can't see how red my face is. I pull my car keys out of my pocket. Stepping into the drivers seat. As I was backing out I look back at the front of the building to see him leaning against an exterior brick wall. He gives me a half-bow before getting into his van.

When I pulled into my driveway I had to steer around the three bikes laid out in my parking spot. I took my guitar from the backseat and the moment i opened the front door I could hear Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. Screaming about DnD. I walked down the hall setting my guitar down on my bed before walking into Dustin's room. "Could y'all be any louder?" I say sarcastically and they all stop and look at me. Mike gets up first running to hug me. Lucas follows.

"Dustin, when we're you gonna tell me she was home!" Mike says pulling away.

"I got here 2 days ago, I start school on Monday." I tell him slowly stepping into the hall. "Y'all continue." I gesture at the table that was scattered with binders and DnD things. Shutting the door behind me I walk into my room, taking a deep breath and falling back in my bed.

As I got lost in my thoughts, I found myself unable to stop my mind from wandering back to this mystery man. The way he examined the way I played and the smirk he had on his face that made my head spin. His rings shining in the dim light. Everything about him put my stomach in knots. But, I had no time for falling in love. I wasn't ready to do that over again with the fear of my past repeating itself.

last - eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now