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After shutting my window, I walk further down the side of the house till I reached Dustin's window, who's room is right next to mine. Pushing it open I just stick my head through looking him dead in the eyes. "I swear if you tell mom about this. I'm gonna beat your ass" I say before slamming his window shut and running back to Eddie, who was waiting in the van.

"I see you two get along great." He says as I get into the passenger seat throwing my stuff in the back.

"Yeah." I look behind us making sure my mom didn't hear as we drove away. The sun had now set, and the moonlight was bright over Hawkins. Obviously at some point Eddie had busted his headlights so when he drove he often squinted to see in the dark. When we got to his trailer, he immediately ripped open the fridge and grabbed two beers from shelf. He stands there blankly with them in his hand and I raise my eyebrows.

"What, I'm thirsty. Here" He says throwing one of them at me. I sat down on the couch and opened my bag, as he downed the whole beer in a span of 30 seconds. I go into the front pocket and pull out a small ziplock bag and shake it around. "Really. Your weed looks pretty shitty". He tells me with a smirk and I clutch it in my fist going to walk outside.

"Yours is better?" I say with a grin on my face.

"Yeah. It is." He crossed his arms with a cocky tone. "Just do it in my room. I'd rather the neighbors not see." He threw his beer out and grabbed another before following me into his room. I watched him flip open the metal box from my position on the end of the bed. When he turned back to face me, the blunt was already lit and he blew the smoke into the air. "Your first day is tomorrow, right?" He asks me, extending his arm to hand it to me.

"Yeah." I take a hit and hand it back, before walking into the living room to get my bag. I reached the couch, looking around the quiet room, I saw two rows of hats lining the walls. I knew Eddie wasn't a hat person so I assumed he didn't live here alone. The broken windows at the front, showing the neighbors trailer, were taped together. On the shelves were photos, of Eddie when he was little, and some recent ones of him with an older man. Not surprisingly Eddie wasn't smiling in a single one. Just making some stupid face or with no emotion at all. I chuckled to myself and threw my bag over my shoulder.

When I walked down the hall to Eddie's room, he had now made his room look like a tornado had gone through it in the five minutes i was gone. He was shirtless, with his hair in a loose bun, still wearing his jeans. With no shirt to cover them, it revealed the handcuffs hanging from his belt loop.

"What the hell" I say now rolling a blunt of my own because I knew I was gonna need one to help him clean this.

"I'm-" He stopped himself knowing what he was about to say was stupid. "Cleaning." I scanned the room, seeing the clothes that were at least in a pile before now all over the room. "Trying, to clean"

I nodded giving him a sarcastic smile. "Oh really." I looked around the room one more im time before taking a hit of the blunt and keeping it between two fingers. "Jesus Eddie"

"I'm sorry, will you help me. I know it's stupid as shit." He scoffed biting his lip, now realizing how much of mess it really was.

"Ok. Just um- start folding the clothes i guess" I say grabbing a random shirt that was at my feet.

After a few minutes of silence Eddie finally spoke up. "Dustin told me you got kicked out of your last school." He says placing one of his shirts in the drawer.

"Yeah, it's a long story. That's why i have to repeat senior year." I toss him another folded shirt and fall down on his bed. "We're finally done."

He falls on his bed next to me looking around at his now clean room. "Thank you" He says looking at me and smiling. I gave him a grin in return and found myself, unable to shake the cold feeling, that I was in the same bed let alone same house as the man I'd fallen head over heals for. I don't know if it was because of how high I was but in that moment I wanted to kiss him. We just stared at each other for a good 30 seconds before I sat up.

"I'm gonna sleep on the couch. You can take my bed." Eddie says now standing and walking to the door.

"No, I'll take the couch it's fine."

"I mean we could sleep together if you wa-" I immediately stopped him. He had a sarcastic smile on his face with his arms crossed over his chest.

"On that note. I will take the bed. Thank you Eddie, goodnight." I patted his back slowly pushing him out the door and shutting it.

I leaned on the back of the door, almost wanting to scream. My head was spinning unable to let go of what he said. After taking calming myself down I sat down on his bed, and found myself staring down at his bedside table. On it were barely smoked cigarettes, and unfortunately a box of trojans. "Wow Eddie, gross.". I picked them up with my finger tips and threw them on the floor, throwing up in my mouth a little.

I laid back on his bed staring up at the ceiling, my eyes heavy. I shoved my face into the pillow, thinking all of this was just some dream. When I get to school in the morning Dustin is definitely gonna kick my ass for this. That kid doesn't need another older male friend anyway.

A/n: Sorry for not posting! I just haven't had much motivation but I have a couple ideas now but if y'all have any ideas for this story please please tell me or even some for another story to write i just need some ideas

last - eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now