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I found myself unable to accept what I had seen. Even though we barely knew each other, it still hurts watching her with someone else. When I left in my van, I couldn't bare to look at her in my rear view mirror. The last two classes of the day weren't important, so I didn't feel the need to come back. I didn't know what to do. I didn't wanna go home, and have instant flashbacks. I couldn't even look at myself. I slammed my hand against the steering wheel and drove down the road, with no aim to where I was going.

Hours had passed and the sun was now setting over Hawkins. I made my way into the entrance of my trailer park, and into the empty driveway. The feeling of dread took over when I opened the door. Allison's clothes folded in the living room, just like she had left them. The only light conveyed in the whole house came from my room, and the faint sound of music still coming from the stereo that Wayne left on. I slouched onto my bed staring up at the ceiling.

Me and Allison were never a thing and now never will be but seeing her with the douche bag Steve Harrington made me feel worthless.

Dragging me out of my thoughts was a knock on the door. I hesitantly stood up and slowly crept around the corner. Out one of the windows I saw Allisons car parked next to mine. I took a deep breath and grasped the door nob. When the door opened she was on the other side, spinning her rings. "Yes?" I say and she jumps.

"Oh, I need to get my clothes." Her focus went behind me, and onto her things. I turned on my heal and grabbed her clothes, holding them in front of her. She kept her eyes on my while she grabbed them, hoping i'd say something. "Eddie?" She spoke up and I raised my eyebrows in return. "I'm sorry. For that happening in front of you. I really like you-"

"Save it. Go be with Harrington I'm sure he'd make you more happy than I could." I say as she stares up at me.

"Eddie-" She stared with a sorry look and I gritted my teeth.

"I said save it." Fighting the urge to accept her apology, I shut the door and leaned on the back of it. When the start of her car could be heard, I walked into the kitchen. "Damn it!" I slam my fist against the counter, making whatever was on it shake. It took every bone in my body not to go after her. I should've, and I want to but I can't be with a girl that has Steve Harrington competing. I don't stand a chance. I walked back into my room, and the second I fell on my bed, the exhaust took over me.


When I woke up that morning, I had no energy to stand. My body was heavy and my head throbbed as I barely pulled myself up. Sluggishly forcing myself over to my dresser, I put on my Hellfire shirt, and went into the kitchen. I was going to grab something to eat but my eyes fell heavy so I went ahead and left for school.

Pulling into the parking lot, put even more weight on my shoulders. The inescapable feeling of dread taking over as I made my way down the hill towards the gym doors for the pep rally. My focus immediately fell on where our paintings were in the back. It was now a big spot of white paint covering them. I walked up the steps to the very top seat next to Gareth. I zoned out not really caring what was happier around me.

"Hey man, your chic is staring at you" He slight shoved me and nods toward her. Straight down the row was Allison, who quickly looked away when I eyed her.

"She's not my chic. Don't talk about her like that." I spat giving him a smug look and standing up. "Fuck this." I step back down the bleachers, holding my hand to my head. The headache was constant. I pushed out the door stumbling passed the students walking in. As i was walking around the back to the picnic tables I pulled a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. Lighting one, I sit down and hold my head in my hands.

My head was spinning, thoughts uncontrollably racing. "Eddie?" A voice echoes from the forests opening. My head shoots up in their direction. The sun was behind her, casting a shadow making it hard to see her face. But I could immediately tell who it was.

"What are you doing here, Allison." I say and she sits across from me, resting her hand on mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" Her eyes became glassy as she looked down at her feet. "Last night, when I left your place. Steve-" She pierced her lips before speaking up again. "I went to his place. And Nancy was there-"

She now looked up at me, just staring into my eyes. I pieced everything together, and my face went tense. "I'm gonna kill 'em" I say while she shakes her head. "No. He knows what happened with you and Billy and he's gonna do that- and Allison. I'm sorry. For treating you like shit last night."

She gives me a half hearted smile before standing up. Following closely behind, I stand in front of her. Staring into each others eyes, we didn't say a word. With no warning she reaches up, grabbing my hand. "I really like you Eddie. I never wanted to be with Steve. It's you. It's always been you." She spoke up, and before she could continue I step closer to her. Reaching my hand around her waist, pulling her slightly closer.

"I love you, Henderson." My face inches from hers.

"I love you too. Munson."

"Would you, M'lady. Do me the honor, and be mine." I say and her smile slowly fades. "I would never treat you like, Steve, or Billy." She almost seemed to flinch, at their names. I cupped her face with my hand making her look at me again.

The smile slowly reforms on her face. And with no hesitation she nods her head. The weight instantly lifted from my shoulders. I could breath again. I crept both hands around her waist lifting her in the air and spinning her around.

Gently placing her on the ground, I pulled her close hugging her tight. The both of us stood in each other's comfort as we needed it more than ever.

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