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He stared at me blankly with a smirk growing across his face.

"Not one bit" I say reply to his snarky comment. He squints his eyes leaning back in his chair. "What do you want Billy". I cross my arms propping my feet on the table.

"You." His expression goes blank again. "I love you" I was not gonna listen to his little heart warming speech of lies. "Yeah? Then why do I still have all these." I say gesturing to the scar going down the right side of my face going over my eye, and the many marks on my stomach. "I've changed, I'm sorry" He gives me his best imitation of puppy dog eyes.

"That's bullshit" I stand up from my seat and make my way to the door. The moment my hand reaches the nob a warm hand grabs my wrist, pulling me closer. His face is inches from mine, beer and sweat fuming off of his button up shirt. "Let go." I looked him dead in the eye. The music in the back slowly trailed off as Eddie's band started packing there things. He just smirked at me, his grip getting tighter. "Billy let go before I shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be seeing stars". I kept my composure. I just wanted to cry and fall to the ground, but that was the old me. I'm done letting people push me around.

"Come on babe." He says gritting his teeth, anger taking over him. I closed my eyes, instantly being reminded of when the year before.


"Come on!" Billy screamed as threw his beer bottle on the ground, glass shooting in every directed. "Now are you gonna tell me what the hell what you were doing him!"

He grabbed me by my shirt pushing me against the wall. "It's nothing! We're just friends!" I found myself unable to control my emotions in that moment. The tears pouring down my cheeks as he held the end of the broken bottle to my face. "Just friends! That's it." I persisted but he wouldn't believe me.

Billy had come to my house late the night before when I was hanging out with Steve and Robin. Steve was sitting next to me, Robin on the floor going through my cassette tapes. We were all just hanging out talking about how the next year would be with me gone.

"Bullshit! Tell me the truth." He says sliding the bottle down my face. I scream in pain as i drop all my weight falling from his grip and I ran out the door without coming back.


Dragging myself from my horrid thoughts. I look him in the eye again. Slamming my wrist out of his grip and running towards the stage.

"Cmon Allison you can't run forever." He slowly walks up to me. Extending his arm grabbing my wrist again.

"You think i'm joking?" I squint my eyes and tilt my head to the side slightly. "Let go." He raises his head at me, really pushing me over the edge. "Hey man she said let go" An unfamiliar voice shot from behind me. It was raspy and they were out of breath.

We both look back to see Eddie standing on the stage behind us. "What are you gonna do about it Munson." Billy says pushing me off to the side, and I slam against the bar counter.

Eddie had now jumped off the stage standing inches from Billy. They sized each other up, Billy scoffing at his attempts. Was I about to watch a stranger, and my psycho ex boyfriend fight, because of me? All I did was stand against the bar counter a beer bottle in hand, waiting for something to happen.

"You might wanna back up Hargrove. Your breath kinda stinks man." Eddie says breathing out a chuckle. Billy clearly didn't find this funny, swinging a fist directly for Eddie's nose. He did find this funny though as he just laughed as Eddie clutched his nose in his hand, blood covering his fingers. I thought it was over. One swing and Billy would be on his way, until Eddie stood up and started laughing his ass off. "Well, you started it". He then came back full speed, hitting him in the same place. Billy Lunged at him.

I pushed passed the brain block keeping me from doing something. I shot myself behind Billy, who had Eddie pinned to the wall. I locked eyes with him. He looked at me with genuine fear and shook his head telling me to back up. It would've been smart to listen, but I wasn't gonna watch this happen. I swung my arm back, the moment Billy realized I was there, and hit him square in the middle of his head with the beer bottle I had in my hand. Beer and glass shooting all over our faces. "That was hot." Eddie says breaking the silence. I was frozen. I couldn't believe what I had done, knocking someone out. The bar would never let me play again. "C'mon" He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door and to his van.

"What the hell." I was still so star struck. I just couldn't accept what I had done.

"Ex boyfriend huh?" He says putting his hands on his hips. "Well now that i've seen your ex you really are out of my league."

I flashed him a smile and he did the same. "So, I know this is weird under the circumstances. But I was wondering if you wanted to come back to mine?" He squinted his eyes hoping he didn't ruin things.

"Ok." I say and I get into the passenger side of his van. "Come on get in before I change my mind".

He looks at me confused before it actually registered in his brain and he jumped in the drivers seat.

A/n: JESUS FOCKIN CHRIST gah damn I hate how I wrote this part. Like it reminds me of how I wrote when I was 10 and I just joined this app like I actually hate it but I don't know any other way to word it. So bare with me this part was like blalala but the other parts will be better :)))

last - eddie munsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora