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The last three hours of my day made me want to gouge my eyes out. Knowing that I had lost Eddie in a span of 30 seconds, I couldn't shake that cold feeling of regret. Steve of course didn't see a problem with the matter, and kept his arm around my shoulder, while not even acknowledging the fact I was there.

At dismissal, I ducked under his arm, and ran to my car. Finally being able to breath, I got out of the parking lot as soon as I could hoping Steve wouldn't open his eyes long enough to see I was gone. I think he noticed me more as his best friend than when I was his girlfriend. I had to go to Eddie's to get my things so I figured I'd stop by on the way home. I took a deep breath when I felt the gravel underneath the tires. He definitely wouldn't be happy to see me. Only one light in the house was on, and it was the dim lamp coming from Eddie's room. Having clear eyesight directly into his window I watched him as he placed his guitar back on its stand and fall back on his bed.

The nerves began to rack up as I opened the car door. The cold feeling sent chills down my spine of the endless possibilities of things Eddie could say, and had a right to say to me. When I got to the front door and knocked, it opened hesitantly. I looked down at my feet, taking a deep breath.

"Yes?" He says making me jump. My eyes were met with his, and all the regret came flooding back to the front of my mind. The bruise plastered over his face.

"Oh, I need to get my clothes." My vision went behind him, and onto my things. He turned to grab my clothes, and held them in front of me. I kept my eyes on him while I grabbed them, hoping he'd say something. "Eddie?" I swallowed the knot in my throat and spoke up, he just raised his eyebrows in return. "I'm sorry. For that happening in front of you. I really like you-"

"Save it. Go be with Harrington I'm sure he'd make you more happy than I could." He spat and I just stared up at him, never imagining he felt that way.

"Eddie-" I stared with a sorry look and he gritted his teeth.

"I said save it." His face was emotionless, as he shut the door in my face. I felt as if my feet were nailed to the floor. I was speechless. My mind was racing, and once I finally got the courage to walk away, I was in the car and on my way to the only place I knew to go. Steve's.

I couldn't go home, as Dustin would be no help in the matter. All he would do is complain that I'm messing with his relationship with his friends, and my mom would be furious I'm even hanging out with boys.

Pulling into his driveway, fear tore a pit in my stomach. The huge brick house stood tall in front of me, and the lights from the pool sending a reflection to the side of the house. I slowly step closer to place both feet in front of the door and knocked. I could hear the shaking sound of someone to the door. "Can I help you?" I hear, and I look forward to see Carol Perkins, one of Steves little slut friends.

"Yeah, is Steve home." The moment I opened my mouth her boyfriend Tommy, crept up behind her. When I said this though, they both looked at each other with a smug look on their face.

"You that new girlfriend of his?" Tommy chimes in and I nod.

Carol smiles and finally tells me he's up in his room. Making my way past them, I fight the stares that were sent my way. When I got up the stairs, there were two doors. One was dark, and the other sent a light coming in through the cracks. Hopefully opening the right door, I hesitantly turned the knob.

On the other side I sent my focus around the room before landing on Steve. My facial expressions froze as anger took over my body. Nancy Wheeler shot herself away leaning against the wall, covering herself with a shirt. "Forget it." I spat slamming the door.

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