Chapter 7

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After the battle against the horde of monsters, the Salvatian military forces are helping the wounded Unyonian soldiers to the medical tent they just established. Xavier orders the medics to treat the wounded with their technological medical equipment. The Unyonians seem surprised that the humans are here, however they are different from the ones in their previous lives before coming here. Nonetheless, they helped them to get wounded treatment.

Elena was sitting on the chair getting healed real fast from a medic using a healing syringe.

SFS Medic: Feeling better?

Elena: Uh yes, thank you.

A medic acknowledged her with a nod before moving on to attend to another patient. She remained in a state of contemplation, processing what she had just witnessed. Struggling to articulate the sheer intensity of his actions against the monsters, she couldn't help but feel drained from expending mana. Observing his resolute expression, devoid of mercy or hesitation towards his adversaries, she felt a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead. Her eyes quivered slightly, and she noticed her hands trembling as well.

Then Blaise came to her and said to her,

Blaise: Elena! How's your wounds?

Elena: Wha? Oh, Blaise. Yes, I am fine. The humans gave me some kind of strange healing potion. I can feel my entire body completely healed now.

Blaise: It's the same thing to my people.

Elena: Your people. Are they safe?

Blaise: Yes. They are under care of these humans.

Elena: How can you know they can be trusted to take care of your people? What if they try to trick you to believe them.

???: If it is true, I would tell you the truth right now.

They turn around to see Xavier just standing there not noticing he is here already.

Blaise: S-Supreme Leader, please forgive my friend here. She's-

Xavier: That's okay, Blaise. I know some demihumans distrust humans because of what they did to them. After all, it's their fault anyways.

Elena quickly stands up and bowing down to him for apologizing.

Elena: Sorry for being so rude to you! For my rudeness, I shall take a blade to cut off my finger as an apology.

Xavier: Whoa, stop right there. There's no need for that. I am just saying humans are admitted to be wrong towards demihumans, even your kind.

She quickly stopped bowing and looked up to him.

Elena: I, um, we thank you and your people for helping us to defeat the monsters that are going to destroy the only place we seek to refuges.

Xavier: You're welcome. It's at least to protect people either human or non-human, from any threats that harm them. After all, we are way better than the Old Humanity in the outside world.

Elena: Old Humanity?

Xavier just slipped out of his mind of saying that and he coughed it out to change the subject.

Xavier: Forget that. Anyway, I see your army is getting well with my people, especially we gave them medical syringes to heal up their wounds.

Blaise: We are thankful for it, Supreme Leader.

Elena: Um, excuse me, Supreme Leader.

Xavier: Please call me Sir. No need for formality.

Elena: Uh okay? Sir Xavier, what brings you here? We are having a war between us and monsters. I doubt humans are likely to come to aid us in the battle.

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