Chp. 4: "Franky I have a problem."

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As soon as I walked out of the house, I start smiling like a kid who got 10 boxes of candy.


I unlock my door and I sit on the couch. I keep pondering about, Valérie.

Have I developed a liking? A crush? I need to call Tom.

The Call

Tom: Hey

Fabio: Hey, I need your help.

Tom: What's going on?

Fabio: Franky has this friend named Valérie, she's in Andorra right now for filming, and turns out she lives right next to me, and I think I like her.

Tom: Woah woah woah, holdon, an actress who's friends with your teammate lives next to you and suddenly you like her?

Fabio: Well yes, but, I don't know what to do, bro.

Tom: Call Franky, ask him about how she will most likely react with this.

Fabio: Okay, thanks, man.

Tom: No problem.

Call with Franky

Fabio: Ciao, Franky.

Franky: Ciao! What's up?

Fabio: Franky I need your help.

Franky: Go ahead, tell me.

Fabio: I think I like Valérie.

Franky: No shit, it was so obvious, Fabio.

Fabio: Well help me please.

Franky: Okay okay, now you have to know something first.

Fabio: Which is?

Franky: In the Moto3 days, Valérie had a huge crush on you.

Fabio: Wait... What? Really?

Franky: Yes, she was so in love with you she had a panic attack before and during her english practical exam because the theme that she chose was MotoGP and she couldn't get you off of her head since morning.

Fabio: Wow... I don't even...

Franky: I believe you've put her health at risk twice but that's because she really liked you.

Fabio: What about now?

Franky: I don't know, we never really talk about it again.

Fabio: Oh.. Do you think there's still a chance that she still likes me?

Franky: The only advice I can give to you, is to try and bring back her love for you from all those years ago. I know it's still in there some where, because when I told her I'm your teammate again, her face looks happier and her mood is better.

Fabio: Okay, thanks man.

Franky: Any time.

End of call

Shit. She had a crush on me? I can't stop smiling. Fuck.


As soon as Fabio walks out the door I call Franky.

The call

Franky: Ciao, Val.

Valérie: Ciao!

Franky: What's up?

Valérie: Franky I need your help.

Franky: Shoot.

Valérie: I think I like Fabio. Again.

Franky: Damn, have you met him?

Valérie: Yes, he gave me a ride to my house and helped ne unpack.

Franky: That's great. Well, I have a feeling he does too.

Valérie: Really?

Franky: Yes, so just let him do the work.

Valérie: Okay okay, thanks Franky.

Franky: Your welcome.

End of the call




That was a bitweird, both Fabio and Val called me about each other, they're gonna be a good couple, I know it.

Fabio's a great man, and Valérie's a great girl. If they don't work out, life will be so weird.

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