Chapter Eight

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I was already feeling better than I had ever felt in my entire life. I felt happier, stronger and even more content.

Then, Cole had to ruin my moment with his leg. We fell asleep really late last night on the floor, only covered by blankets.

Cole's leg was on my stomach and his left hand on Marley. I had no idea what the time was and everyone was still asleep except Jace who was no where to be seen.

I carefully removed Cole's leg and got up. I went straight to my room to freshen up. My breath smelt of alcohol and chocolate Ice cream.

I decided to put on a white vest paired  with grey cargo pants and white trainers. My hair was in a ponytail but I couldn't stop the bangs from falling out.

Jace wasn't in his room so I decided to go down and make breakfast. My stomach growled when I smelt pancakes. Jace was flipping pancakes and pilling them up on a plate. Looks like he beat me to it.

"You chose the easiest way to tempt me, Jace". I said strolling in and leaned on the counter.

"My nanny always prepared my favourite dishes on my birthday". Jace said not looking at me.

"You have a nanny?" I was shocked.

"Yeah. She's like a mother to me and she even taught me how to cook". He smiled.

"At the camp, all girls were taught how to cook by the head chef. The best were selected to cook specially for the council and the Chief, the worst were to go for training". I didn't know what made me to say all that but I didn't care about opening up.

"Let me guess, you don't know how to cook". He laughed.

"Wrong", he stopped laughing and looked at me, finally. "I can cook. I'm really good at it but I'd rather roll in dirt and draw blood than become a servant. We all choose that path".

"Oh, I'm sorry-".

"Nah, you don't have to be. I'm not angry at all. If anything, I'm glad I made the right decision". My stomach growled again and he smiled.

"Very impatient huh?". We laughed and I decided to go set the table.

After setting the table, Jace came out with three plates stacked with pancakes, samosa and he even prepared coffee.

The others came down looking refreshed.

"Looks like I'm not the only one feeling all these happiness". Cole said as they joined us at the table.

"Wow. Who knew he could cook?". Marley smirked as she sat down. "It also smells nice". She added after everyone gave her weird looks.

"What time did you even have to prepare samosas?". Carina asked before she took a bite out of one and she moaned. "It tastes so goood".

I took a sip out of my coffee and everyone chatted as they ate. Cole and Carina ended up having hangovers so they each had extra cups of coffee.

I was almost done with my food when Jace  got a call. He immediately stood up and left the room. No one said anything about it and we also didn't bother to snoop using our heightened hearing.

"So what do we do before seven-thirty pm?". Carina asked.

"What's happening at seven-thirty?". I questioned.

"I thought you'd be wiser, Rina". Marley rolled her eyes.

"The bar. That's what". Cole replied and I groaned. I had completely forgotten about it.

"Can't we skip that?". I asked.

"No!". They all chorused and I shot them a look.

"You two are hungover. Why go out to just drink when you can do it here?". I just didn't see the point, mostly because it was my birthday.

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