Head Over Heels

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I haven't used wattpad in like 6 years so idk how it works anymore but if anyone happens to stumble across this somehow heyy

Ayato was known by everyone as one of the kindest noble boys in school. He was well-mannered, always willing to help others. He had a way with words, winning over every teacher and student's heart alike with a gentle smile. He had a precise way of speaking. It was like he carefully picked the words he would use, tailoring them just for the person who was lucky enough to engage with him.

So it came as even more of a surprise when he dropped his façade for a boy he'd never even met before.

It was after lunch. Ayato departed from his friends with a smile, starting his trek from the cafeteria back to his homeroom. As he hit the bottom of a staircase, he saw it from the corner of his eye. A group of older boys was cornering a younger boy. The younger boy appeared frightened. His arms were raised, like he was pleading with them, begging them not to go any farther. Ayato had never noticed him around school before. He looked away.

It was none of his concern.

He turned the other direction, beginning to descend down the next flight of stairs when he heard it.


The boy cried out, a thud as he hit the floor. A chill ran up Ayato's spine. He flipped back around.

He wasn't sure what he was doing. Why his legs were moving without his instruction. Why he felt his fists fly before he had a chance to think it over. But the next thing he knew, the group of boys were sprawled out on the floor and he was reaching down, offering the boy his hand.

The boy accepted it. Ayato helped him to stand, noticing only now the tears streaming down the green-eyed boy's face. The boy started to speak, but Ayato quickly pulled them away from the scene, past all the gossiping lips, running up flight after flight of stairs until they broke through the double doors to the roof.

Moments ticked by as they gazed out at the sunny city in silence. The boy squeezed Ayato's hand. Ayato looked over at him.

His cheeks were dry now, the wind blowing his blond hair in the wind. Ayato had never met anyone who looked quite like him. The boy smiled, meeting Ayato's eyes.

"I'm Thoma." he said.

Just a first name? Ayato let go of his hand. "Kamisato Ayato. You may call me Kamisato."

"O-of course!" Thoma said, bowing, "Nice to meet you, Kamisato."

Ayato turned away from him again, staring back out at the cityscape. The cool air felt good against his hot skin.

Really, what was he doing? He'd never done something like that before. He wondered how many people had seen him. Word was sure to spread fast. He audibly clicked his teeth, closing his eyes.

"Thanks for saving me." Thoma said softly, sitting down on the concrete floor. "I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there."

All Ayato managed to reply was a short, "Mm." He glanced down at Thoma from his peripheral vision. He was a bit shorter than Ayato. He looked younger too. He must have been a first year. He wondered if he should ask, but he turned his gaze away instead. There was no use in getting to know him.

He backed away from the railing, running a hand through his silky blue hair. "Make sure to visit the nurse." he said, forcing that signature smile of his. His hand trembled slightly, adrenaline still surging through his veins.

To his surprise, Thoma seemed to notice. He stood, grabbing Ayato's hand, deep concern washing over his face. "Are you okay?"

Ayato quickly pulled it away. "Yes." he said, and he left before the boy could get another word out.

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