A Flickering Start

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"Want to walk home together today?"

No one had ever asked Ayato that. It was well known who he was, that only his retainers would drive him home. "Sorry. I'm not allowed to."

"Really? Ah. Oh well. See you tomorrow!" Thoma said, waving as he walked away.

Ayato wasn't sure why, but he felt a dip in his chest, saying no to something like that. He chased after him, their arms gently bumping together as he caught up. "Just this once." Ayato said, looking down at Thoma's wide eyes.

"C-cool!" Thoma said, his cheeks flushing with a pretty red. Ayato's heart sped up, seeing Thoma look at him like that.

They were frozen, standing in the middle of the hallway as the students walked past them.

Ayato was the first to finally tear his gaze away. There was something almost hypnotic about seeing this guy smile. He cleared his throat. "We probably live in different directions."

"Oh. You're right." Thoma's smile fell, but his blush remained. "W-we... we could take the train?" he suggested.

Why had Thoma wanted to walk home together anyway? Ayato looked back at him now, a hard swallow. It was nonsensical. His retainers would never allow it. But the thundering in his chest was imploring him to say yes. "Sure. I'd be delighted." Ayato said, and that radiant smile returned.

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