Right Here, Forever

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This was... becoming an issue. Weeks had passed since their kiss. Whenever he saw Thoma in the halls now he was avoiding him again. His stomach did cartwheels whenever their gazes met. And when they had lunch, Ayato would scarf down his food and run off before things could progress.

But that ended today. Ayato had a plan, and he wouldn't let himself run from it.

He left a note in his own locker, knowing Thoma would end up seeing it when he dropped off his lunch.

He wanted Thoma to meet him at the school garden just before lunch. It was peaceful there. He would often choose to study there when the classroom was too loud.

He waited patiently, squatted down, observing the rows of flowers as footsteps approached.

"Kamisato? I got your note!" the voice said. Ayato whirled around, eyes going wide when he saw what Thoma was wearing.

Was that his gym outfit?!

Ayato spun back around, clenching his eyes shut.

He had never had such trouble looking at someone before. He sighed, composing himself before standing up, turning around to face Thoma. He could feel how hot his cheeks were, how obvious it would be to Thoma that he was flustered by his appearance.

But that didn't matter right now. Ayato swallowed down his apprehension, reaching in his pocket and holding his hand out. Thoma looked down, hesitantly placing his palm under Ayato's curled fingers. Ayato dropped the item in Thoma's hand, taking a step away, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Through tight lips, he muttered, "For you."

Thoma looked down at his palm. It was the keychain the bully had broken, the pieces glued together. "O-oh! Thank you!"

"It... It was supposed to be for you anyway." Ayato said, his eyes closing, tilting his nose up, "That's why I was there. I would never purchase it for myself." He popped an eye open, intending to see Thoma's reaction, but he chickened out, closing it again. "I would have simply bought you a new one, but I had my retainers visit your store daily. It has been sold out for weeks. So I decided to glue it together myself."

He was still too scared to open his eyes. What if Thoma hated it? Maybe this wasn't as good of an idea as he thought. It had taken him all night to figure out how to glue all the pieces together. He was supposed to be studying and getting rest, but he couldn't do that when Thoma was running through his mind endlessly. He figured keeping that charm around was part of the problem. Every night when he tried to study, he'd see that busted up dog on his desk and his mind would wander, thinking about how Thoma had felt in his arms, and–

"Kamisato..." Thoma said, snapping Ayato out of his own mind.

His eyes opened, shocked to see Thoma was now so close to him that if either of them moved, they might...

Ayato mentally shook away the thought, "Ayato..." he said. Thoma's eyebrows furrowed, but he elaborated, "Call me Ayato." A pause. "Just this once."

Thoma blushed furiously, clutching the keychain tighter in his hands. "R-really?"

"Please..." Ayato said.

If anyone stumbled across them right now...

If the cameras picked up what Ayato intended to do...

He must have been losing his mind.

He fixed his gaze on Thoma's mouth, anticipating it, watching for every syllable that would leave his tongue.

Thoma looked away, his foot twisting in the soft soil, forming a small crater. "Ay..." he cleared his throat, glancing up at Ayato through his long, blond eyelashes. "Ayato."

What a perfectly melodious sound, coming from those pretty lips. Ayato chased after the tone, pulling Thoma close, his arms running up Thoma's back, trying his hardest not to do what he so desperately wanted to.

Thoma smiled, a crescent moon on his luminous face. "If I say it again... will you kiss me?"

Ayato gulped, a slight nod.

Thoma wrapped his arms around Ayato's shoulders, standing on his tippy toes. "Ayato."

Ayato kissed him, his eyes blinking closed, embracing Thoma with a certain intensity, like he wanted to keep him in his arms forever.

From inside, they could hear the lunch bell ringing. Thoma pulled away, his rosy cheeks on display as he touched his fingers to his lips.

"W-we should–"

"Yes." Ayato replied.

Thoma looked down at his clothes, realizing what he was wearing, "O-oh! I forgot to change! I'll–"

"Yes." Ayato said again.

Thoma started to leave, but he stopped. He fidgeted for a moment before taking a deep breath, "I like you." He was faced away, unwilling to see Ayato's reaction. "A-and... And I hope that... that you... y-you're kissing me because..." he stumbled over his words, hugging his arms around himself. "...because you like me too." A pause, "Because if you don't, and you're spending all this time with me, and kissing me, and giving me keychains, and asking me to call you Ayato..." he trailed off, "I don't think I'll be able to take it."

Despite how shy Thoma seemed to be around him sometimes, he had these sudden moments of confidence that not even Ayato could anticipate.

Like right now. Ayato was silent, frozen.

And Thoma had just confirmed what he'd hoped all along.

Thoma cleared his throat, "Y-you don't have to respond right now. M-maybe it's better if you don't! Just... don't... don't give me hope if there isn't any." he said. He started to ramble now, "N-not saying you're doing that! It's just... I really like you and... you don't seem like someone who would like me back. You're really cool and smart and nice, and–"

Ayato grabbed Thoma by the wrist, having slowly approached him as he rambled.

He leaned in. "I thought I made it obvious." he hummed. "Perhaps I need to make myself more clear."

He kissed him softly, pulling away before kissing him again, and again, and again. Dotting soft kisses on Thoma's lips, the blond boy's face scrunching up, his entire face going scarlet, "K-Kamisato!" he blurted out, wriggling away from him.

"Ayato." he corrected.

"A-Ayato..." Thoma amended, covering his flushed face with his hands. "D-does that mean..." he trailed off. As muffled as it was, Ayato heard him perfectly.

Ayato reached out, pulling his hands away by his wrists, holding onto them. He stepped closer to him. "Of course, I like you." he said, his eyes scanning Thoma's, "How could I not?"

Thoma immediately buried his head in Ayato's chest, hiding from Ayato's intense gaze. "I-I'm glad..." he mumbled.

Ayato let go of his wrists, his own blush setting in as he realized what he'd just done. He flustered himself, his heart beginning to thunder in his ears. "T-Thoma..." he choked out, "W-was... was that okay?"

Thoma nodded quickly into him, his hands gripping at the fabric of Ayato's uniform. "Mhm..."

How could he have just done that?! "A-are you sure? Was... Was it too far?" he swallowed down a hard lump in his throat, "I'm sorry, Thoma. I–"

Thoma looked up at him, that radiant smile. "You like me!" he exclaimed. He laughed a little, beaming with joy. "I'm so happy!"

Ayato froze again. All the confidence he'd built up had evaporated. A million thoughts ran through his head, all of them centered around Thoma.

His mouth opened to say something when Thoma beat him to the punch.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends now?"

Ayato's eyes went wide, "B-boyfriends?!"

That was... an entirely different beast to conquer.


Thank you for taking this little journey with me !!! I wrote this whole thing in a day a couple months ago and it was a blast. So thank you for reading!! I am grateful to anyone who enjoys this little story !!! Idk, it was just a lot of fun all around (: I enjoyed myself!

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