Better Together

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They were back to their normal routine. Lunch together, pleasantries in the hallways.

Except now, Ayato was keeping watch over Thoma... just in case someone decided to lay a hand on him again. He had already made the formal arrangements to have Thoma's status in Inazuma under his family's protection.

Thoma came up to the roof, shivering over how cold the breeze was that day. "Brrr!" he said, a soft laugh as he sat down beside Ayato. Their arms pressed together.

Ayato pulled off his jacket, handing it to Thoma.

Thoma took it, quickly realizing what had just transpired, "Oh! No, I'm okay, you–"

"You're too nice for your own good." Ayato hummed, "Return it to me tomorrow."

Thoma blushed. "Okay." A pause. "Thank you, Kamisato." He shrugged the jacket on.

Part of Ayato regretted having Thoma call him by his surname. His heart ached to hear those five letters leave Thoma's mouth.

But he held back. After all, that was rather personal. And Ayato was not accustomed to personal.

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